Saturday 1 May 2021

Guest Post - Review - Stories of the Prophets Workbooks

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillaah, we have had many families benefitting from our Ramadhaan and Eid Offer - Stories of the Prophets Packs. Read the honest review of our sister Umm Aa'isha Dara, who has been benefitting from the packs with her 2 girls from New Jersey, USA. We thank sister Dara for her time and effort and for taking the initiative to send us this review so that others could benefit. May Allaah bless her and her family. 

Read on Inshaa Allaah.

"Educating and nurturing our children correctly, upon the Perfect Religion of Allaah, can often feel like an enormous and sometimes, insurmountable challenge.  We want to make sure that we teach them what is correct, and that it goes past their ears and reaches into their hearts. 

Notwithstanding that everyone's situation is different, I still believe we each want for them, what we want and love for ourselves; correct, beneficial knowledge that we can explain easily to them in a way that they understand.  Correct knowledge that they will build on, review over and again, and that they enjoy learning.

Allah is the Most Generous Provider.  Alhamdulillah, He has enabled Umm Maimoonah to simplify and present a variety of important lesson benefits, Islamic history, amazing miracles of Allah, strong and admirable biographies of the best of creation, practical applications in Language Arts-Reading, Copywriting, Comprehension, etc, Geography, Science, and so much more, all weaved into and explained within The Lessons From the Stories of the Prophets Junior Level Workbooks.  

The easy to read, colorful, yet simple illustrations and authentically referenced texts to the Book of Allah and Ahadeeth are accompanied by activity sheets, extension research crafts and lapbooks related to each Prophet Story.

The Workbooks alone have been so beneficial as bedtime stories and daytime independent readers for my 6 and 9-year-olds; over and again.  We continue to revise our understanding, reflecting on the beautiful manners, character, and strength of the Prophets, their families, and learning about ourselves as Muslims, in our own day and time, from looking at the historical lessons and experiences of the nations and their people to whom the Prophets and Messengers were sent; without becoming bored with them. 

The full, comprehensive course with the live instruction of Umm Maimoonah explaining the workbook, of course, added even more value to having them because of the additional points of benefit she provides within the slide presentation, walhamdulillah.  However, even now, months later, the workbooks in themselves, still provide so much detail and information for discussion, reflection, and review with my children.  They are such a blessing to have.  Additionally, the worksheets can be reprinted as often as I need them, inshaa'Allah, or want to do the activities again to reinforce and retain what they learned, walhamdulillah.

May Allah place blessings in the time each parent spends with their children learning the priceless lessons to be gained from Allah's Noble Prophets and Messengers.  Aameen. "


Umm Aa'isha Dara

To order email to or  WhatsApp/Telegram  +974 66132058 with the following details: 

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