Monday, 14 March 2011

Pre School Curriculum - Weeks 13 - 18

Continuing with the "Islaam is my Life Preschool curriculum" which was outlined by our dear sister Umm Ibraheem at talibiddeenjr Insha Allaah here is the curriculum plan for the next 6 weeks. Introduction to this and the first six weeks details could be found here Insha Allaah.

Insha Allaah now you can download the Curriculum 1 - 18 weeks here

If you want to download the file weeks 12-18 only then you can download it here Insha Allaah.

I would like to sincerely thank all of you who had made some great comments with wonderful suggestions regarding the curriculum on the "Darul Kitab - Give Away" post! Every comment means a lot to me dear Akhawaat and will try my level best to include your suggestions Insha Allaah!

In the next 6 weeks curriculum I have included different activities on each topic for you to choose according to the ability of your child Insha Allaah.( All what I could find on the internet, some activities are unislamic and please be cautious and avoid them Insha Allaah!) Mainly because I understand some feel this is a little too much for their kids and some sisters are very much concerned and upset as well!

A note to these sisters! Please keep in mind this curriculum details are mainly done for my daughter according to her capabilities. I am just sharing this with you so that you can have a guide and use it according to your child's capabilities. Each child is different and masha Allaah all of them are talented. Some of your kids may be very much advanced than Maimoonah and some may be late developers but all of them are capable kids and we have to identify this and become the facilitators Insha Allaah! So please my dear akhawaat do not get disheartened if your child is not interested in some of the activities we do. And do not feel that you have not done many things and you are far behind in teaching your kid. Just try and find out the best way for your kids Insha Allaah! You are the best person to know about your child Insha Allaah!

I felt like all of this before too when I had no clue where to begin with home schooling! I was just overwhelmed with a whole heap of information on the blog and felt that I have indeed wasted my time. But aftre reading some inspiring blogs and advice from some other experienced sisters I knew all of us feel the same way at the beginning. But Allaah eases our journey as we go along Alhamdulillaah! Those of you who are just about to start home schooling please make Isthikaarah and start small to please Allaah alone and He will guide you throughout your noble journey Insha Allaah!

Hope and pray that this will benefit you all Insha Allaah!

By the way tomorrow is the last day for the Darul Kitab Learn About Series Give Away! Those who have not entered yet please enter here Insha Allaah!


Umm Suhailah said...


As Salaamu Alaikum!

I'm on my way to downloading it now Inshaa'Allaah. How exciting lol! Oh have you been on the site I will e-mail you too :) Thanks for responding.
My girls are on week 2. I went on A Muslim Child is Born to get the mini workbook to go with it Mashaa'Allaah. Was there a work book for week 1?

Umm Maimoonah said...

Alalaikum salaam sis, am sorry I did not respond here.

I have been to the site but not gone into details yet. Insha Allaah will look around. Is it all authentic stuff there?

Umm Suhailah said...


Sorry for the late reply! I have no clue if it's authentic or not. I just visit the digital library.

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