A Letter to Grandma
She wrote a letter to her Grandma saying about her Ramadhaan so far. She really liked the envelope and the whole process.
Hadeeth on Fasting
We read the hadeeth and memorised it. We discussed the blessings of Ramadhaan and about the gate Rayyan in Jannah where the people who fasted will be called to enter from Inshaa Allaah. Then she did the Grammar activities. It was a good revision for her and Alhamdulillaah it was also an assurance for me that she has understood the rules and remembers them.
Fasting of the Ill and the Traveller
We discussed about the fast of an ill person and a traveller and the fact that how much Merciful our Rabb is that he does not want to give hardship for us. We also discussed the hadeeth, revised who a narrator of a hadeeth is and briefly explained how a hadeeth reaches us.
Treasure Map and Treasure Hunt
This was really fun for her. She independently finished the Treasure Map activities.
Then I drew the floor plan of the house and gave her a sheet of paper with all the instructions to find the treasure. I usually do not give her all the gifts and toys she gets at once, rather I collect and keep and give on and off. I also had a wonderful set of books that a dear sister gifted. So Alhamdulillaah I had a collection of gifts and I could use all of them for the treasure hunt. I hid in different places and wrote the instructions accordingly and she found all the treasures Alhamdulillaah. She was so shocked at times to find things inside the washing Machine and laundry bag, lol, but she got the message "Follow Instructions and you will succeed Inshaa Allaah".
She wrote a letter to her Grandma saying about her Ramadhaan so far. She really liked the envelope and the whole process.

Hadeeth on Fasting
We read the hadeeth and memorised it. We discussed the blessings of Ramadhaan and about the gate Rayyan in Jannah where the people who fasted will be called to enter from Inshaa Allaah. Then she did the Grammar activities. It was a good revision for her and Alhamdulillaah it was also an assurance for me that she has understood the rules and remembers them.
Fasting of the Ill and the Traveller
We discussed about the fast of an ill person and a traveller and the fact that how much Merciful our Rabb is that he does not want to give hardship for us. We also discussed the hadeeth, revised who a narrator of a hadeeth is and briefly explained how a hadeeth reaches us.
Treasure Map and Treasure Hunt
This was really fun for her. She independently finished the Treasure Map activities.
MashAllah, that's a nice letter. Ramadan Mubarak.
Assalaamu alaikum,
you have a nice blog. The letter is cute. Ramadan MUbarak!
Wa Alaikum salaam warahmathullaah Sisters.
Ramadhaan Mubarak to you all too. Jazzakumullaah Khayr.
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