Narrated ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "Amongst the trees, there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is like a Muslim. Tell me the name of that tree." Everybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas. And I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy to answer the others then asked, "What is that tree, O Allah's Apostle ?" He replied, "It is the date-palm tree."

When she read the hadeeth about the Messenger of Allaah sallaahu alaihiwasallam saying "O Aisha those who have dates in their house will not go hungry".. Maimoonah was saying out the house also Ummi as we eat dates outside also... : ) I had to tell her we stop where the Messenger of Allaah stopped and this is how it works: )
Then she made this Journal Entry today. Masha Allaah she like the date palm tree and keep telling its like me .. The Date Palm tree is like a Muslim... like me. : )
I told her a little about Ibn Umar radhiyallaahu anhu who was only a small boy and he knew the answer for it but felt shy to tell the Messenger of Allaah. And how intelligent he was for his age and we made the connection that Abdullaah ibn Umar was the son of Umar bin Khattab one of the sahabah who is promised Jannah. Just made it a point that what we have studied lives Insha Allaah!
Then we did this Dates Fall Down Maths Activity and learnt subtraction!
Then we made this cute date bx from smart ark. She coloured decorated with silver and gold glitter and put some ajwa dates into it and packed.
Its waiting to be opened for Iftaar Insha Allaah!. She really loved the box masha Allaah!.
mashaAllah sister, great activities :) thanks for sharing!
As Salaamu Alaikum
"When she read the hadeeth about the Messenger of Allaah sallaahu alaihiwasallam saying "O Aisha those who have dates in their house will not go hungry".. Maimoonah was saying out the house also Ummi as we eat dates outside also... : ) I had to tell her we stop where the Messenger of Allaah stopped and this is how it works: )
Then she made this Journal Entry today. Masha Allaah she like the date palm tree and keep telling its like me .. The Date Palm tree is like a Muslim... like me. : )"
*thumbs up* I love this part in your post. Because you told her we stop where the Messenger of Allaah stopped- this is how it works! Subhana'Allaah- when we stick with the Sunnah- life is much easier- and we explain things with the Sunnah- this is the haqq. And lovely that she thinks are Ummi is like the date palm tree ;) May Allaah azza wa jal make Maimoonah and your entire family those that enter Jennah and give you ease in this life , the next and in the grave Aameen
Asalaamu alaikum ukhti,
Jazaki Allah khair for sharing your have helped inspire me alhamdulillah since we started homeschooling earlier this year. I love seeing what you do mashAllah.
Sis, where do you get your ideas from? -for example the date tree maths - did you make this resource yourself? and how old is Maimoonah?
MashaAllah, very nicely done. We also learned the hadis about dates couple days ago and did some activities too. They love eating dates too mashaAllah.
Assalaamu alaikum
Masha Allah shukran for sharing, you are helping me so much by giving a framework for the activities I have in my head LOL! How are you so organized? Masha Allah :)
Ditto Um Suhaila I also liked that often we explain things in the long way around but it is so much clearer for them to first learn "because Allah commanded us to" and "that is way RasoolAllah showed us"
May Allah keep us on Siraat Al Mustaqeem.
Fe Amaanillah
Umm Imaan
Assalaamu alaikum sis, what lovely activities mashaAllah. May Allah grant you and yours entry to Jannatul Firdous inshaAllah. Loved the date palm math too mashaAllah.
Wassalaam xXx
Alaikum salaam Ya Akhawaat!
Eva, Jazzakillaah Khayr and you are most welcome!
Umm Suhailah, Aameen to your dua. Yes indeed Tarbiyyah starts from birth and what we tell them is what they get to know so the best is say what the Messenger said : )
Umm Khadeejah, wa iyyaaki am glad this has benfitted you Alhamdulillaah! The Date tree maths sister, I have provided the link from where I got in my post. Its from a Muslim child is born blog. And where do I get my resources most of it from the internet as there are many generous sisters sharing masha Allaah! Maimoonah will be 4 years old in another few days according to the Islamic Calandar Insha Allaah!
Umm Sara Jazzakillaah Khayr, awaiting to see your activities with Ibraheem and Sara.
Umm Iman, Alhamdulillaah I am happy I could be of some help for you Insha Allaah! How am I organized? lol, I think I have a lot more to do to be really organized. But as for this has been my way I guess from I know myself and also my working experience in a school for more than 10 years has helped me a lot by the grace of Allaah! Aamen to your dua Ukhtee!
Umm Adam. Aameen to your dua, really in need of all this dua Alhamdulillaah! Hope to see Adam's Ruqaiyah activities too!
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