Before I start I would like to make a humble request to all of you! It is indeed taking time for me to repeat links of the resources used, so if you need please refer to my Kindergarten posts and you will find all links Insha Allaah, for some reason the google search on my blog is not working but if you search on general Google page you will find Insha Allaah! But if you cannot find and need anything specific please do not hesitate to ask Insha Allaah, it is indeed a pleasure to help you : )
Islaamic Studies
Tauheed / Tauheed Ar Ruboobiyyah
Alhamdulillaah we started on SK Islamic Studies Curriculum and completed the first week. I must tell you I really enjoyed teaching this to Maimoonah, masha Allaah! So we learnt what is Tauheed using TJ resources and Shaikh Saleh as Saleh's Tawheed for Children Part 1. We made dua for the shaikh too. Maimoonah was sad to know that he raheemahullaah died in Madeenah! We used sis Umm An Nu'man's activities to learn about Tauheed Ar Ruboobiyyah. Also we used the Darussalaam My Tawheed Book.
I have started a book for Islamic Studies as I feel this will benefit to keep the information for future as well and will make it easy for revision.
We also spoke about the living things and non living things all created by Allaah our Lord manifesting Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyyah and did these worksheet and colouring pages from sis Umm An Nu'man's activities for Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyyah.
We did this mini book with regards to the proof of Ruboobiyyah. But did not discuss the aayaats yet, hoping to do next week Insha Allaah!
Asmaaul Husnah
We learnt two more names of Allaah!
We learnt the Alphabets in order, discussed about uppercase and lowercase. I asked her to write the alphabets in order on the white board with uppercase letters. Masha Allaah she was saying the alphabets and writing.
We learnt the Parts of the Books with the powerpoint and I showed her many books and she named the parts like the cover, spine, glossary, publisher, title page etc etc.
Then I made these worksheets and asked her to do.
Printing/Writing the Name
She already knows to write her name independently but does not know to write the full name (he full name is pretty long : ) so I asked her to look and type the full name which she did but really dragged her feet, so did not go to push too much. Then I gave her these sheets which sis Umm An Nu'man did some time back for many names. Gave her these and she was pretty happy to trace.
Then to make it a bit interesting I found this on the net and gave her Water Colours Pencils to colour and she was happy. After colouring, with my help she wrote about herself in each petal.
Jolly Phonics
We did the following letters with the sounds. She liked the actions to make with each letter, something she was giggling about! I asked her to write few words that begins with each letter behind the sheets. This was more like a spelling activity too which we will be starting from next week Insha Allaah!
She also did some Brainquest Book activities pertaining to these letters.
We did few chapters on MEP, counting 9 and different additions with number 9

Social Studies/Science
Topics for this week according to the Smart Science book were My Body, Five senses. We have covered them in Pre School but these activities and worksheets helped to refresh the topics. Just a note what I am planning with regard to Science and Social Studies is that I will continue with the Smart Science Books and the topics we already have covered we will just do the activities but new topics and topics which need more explanation I will do extra something like a lapbook or other activities Insha Allaah. So far I like these books as they are short and children do not get bored! We also did some activities from the BrainQuest Book on Five Senses!
Since we were not able to do "Allaah Gave me a Healthy Body" Mini WorkBook last year, we did it this week. As usual Maimoonah enjoyed!
Arabic I started with Madeenah Arabic Reader Book 1. Hadhaa. We learnt to say This is and Is this, with the vocabulary given. I have mentioned that I wanted to use sis Umm Khadeeja's lesson plans for Arabic with Maimoonah. This week Maimoonah was too bored to colour so we only did things orally and she enjoyed.
Now apart from this I am intending to start Gate Way to Arabic Book 1 which could be downloaded here for free. This Website I would only recommend for Arabic books Insha Allaah! I was thinking if I can teach Maimoonah English Grammar then why not I teach Arabic Grammar as well!! Actually that is important than English! So this book has everything from the scratch like how to write each letter correctly and also how to read Arabic and all that. Since Maimoonah is reading three letter words with Fatha its helpful for her to read and understand 3 letter verbs that are found in this book and many more. They use this book here for non Arabic speaking people to teach Arabic to them especially for the working adults. So Insha Allaah we will continue with this book also from next week along with Madeenah Arabic which will be used mostly orally Insha Allaah!
So this looong post ends the first week of Kindergarten masha Allaah! I really enjoyed teaching this level as I sometime felt am teaching an older child lol! I loved the Islaamic Studies more than anything else! And I feel at this level we do lot of teaching and child is able to do more things and understand more. For me the most easiest thing is that Maimoonah can read and this is very much less stress for both of us. And she reads to herself and understands things before I explain sometimes so when I explain she already knows what the issue is lol! But I know she is enjoying so far too. Of course since there is a lot of work involved I give her breaks occasionally to get her refreshed and not to make her bored!
So what do you think about our Kindergarten 1st Week? Do you feel that it is different from PreSchool?
Assalamualaikum Umm Maimoonah.
It is wonderful to see your activities with Maimoonah. We are intending to follow your kindergarden syllabus for Islamic Studies Insya-Allah. Will keep you posted
Alaikum salaam Umm Sayang,
Masha Allaah, looking forward to see how you all do the Islaamic Studies Insha Allaah! Jazzakillaah Khayr for your kind words!
As Salaamu Alaiki Umm Maimoonah :)
Lol@"So this looong post ends the firs week.." it wasn't long to me. I really enjoyed it Mashaa'Allaah. I think the post flies by fast when you are really interested- especially trying to better your homeschool technique like myself. So post like these works!
I know what you mean by "teaching this level as I sometime felt am teaching an older child.." Hehe. I'm learning that my younger ones take a lot of patience and that I should not expect them to show me immediate results because of how young they are.
Maimoonah seems to have gotten things well with the prek curriculum too. Mashaa'Allaah.
Now I learned not to expect the same results from my older two.
Now to your question at the end of the post.
I think your K curriculum is wayyyy different from the Pre-k.
It seems like the K curriculum is going in-depth on some things that perhaps the Pre-k touch surface on it actually seems like a rather nice setup. Like the curriculums really go hand in hand.
Did you add more subjects on this K curriculum?
Does Maimoonah feel that this school year is different?
Alaikum salaam warahmathullaah Umm Suhailah,
Yes it does take lot of patience, and even at this level sometimes I expect Maimoonah to do things independently bust she insists she will do but for me to be next to her : ) sometimes its annoying as I cook while I teach now as there is more work to be done I do both simultaneously! Patience Patience Patience, till we go to the grave :)
No I did not add more subjects I think, its just that I have divided the subjects and I teach separately where as before I included all in one!
I think so. We went to the park on the first day of KG which was also the first day for all Schools here after summer vacation. So a lady asked Maimoonah "Did you go to school today? She said "Yes". Lady asked "Which School do you go to?" She said "Home School". Lady thought she did not know the name of the school and continued "So what is your class?" She said "Kindergarten!", Lady said "O, so how was your first day in school today?", Maimoonah said "Very Good". End of the conversation.
Later the Lady asked me so what school does she go to? I was like she does not go to school and bla bla. She was shocked, she really thought Maimoonah was gonna school!!! lol
So I guess she feels a little older and gets very upset too when I show her certain things how to do, she says don't tell me I already know how to draw and actually cries... So I have to treat her that way too. Its just a learning process for us everyday! Subhanallaah!
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi,
Jazakhillahu khayr for sharing everything. InshaAllah it will be useful for other in the future.
It seems like Maimoonah likes doing ready made worksheets. Does she want to do arts and crafts projects on the the weekly subject?
My kids at this stage as soon as they do their worksheets they want to cut, glued to cardboard, add something and start different role plays. Sometimes I'm amazed how they come up with different ideas using simple pictures and paper toys : ) and as always they love to do arts and crafts. That's why I was asking how Maimoonah feels about doing arts and crafts during the week?
Other than that everything looks great mashaAllah.
Alaikum salaam warahmathullaah Umm Sara
Wa iyyaaki. Yes she likes worksheets, but if there is too much writing she does not like, but matching and colouring and a bit thinking she likes. Yes she loves arts and crafts even during week days. I try to include at least one every week, minimum being giving her to paint.
But I have kept her water colours and arts and crafts things ready for her to access like the glitter glue, glitter, papers. After learning hours with me, just like your kids she will find some papers, cut, colour, paste write something like Abi is Ummi, Cow says Moooo Mooo, or expressions which are easy for her to write like Oh Oh, No No and make kind of small card and talk talk and play. I guess kids are like this. Sometimes she will get some water and find a colouring book and paint with water colours. Masha Allaah she is very much less messy, so I just let her to do this and she enjoys and I am left alone for few minutes at least! :)
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