So this Saturday we did another small project. Now that Maimoonah knows the running or straight stitch, I took out one of her old nappies and cut out a small piece and put dots on all the sides and asked her to stitch the running stitches along the dots.
Masha Allaah she threaded the needle on her own and I knotted it and she did this so independently without my help. Putting dots and having the nappy material which is very soft and easy to sew was a good move. I have to get some sewing supplies so until then I am using whatever is available in the house thus I used this old nappy : )
Then we used fabric paint and she drew this flower.
After it dried she ironed it for it to pop up. The paint was not enough I think and it did not make a big difference.
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This is the first time in her life she has used the iron! |
Any way then we stuffed the wool and stitched.
This is how it looks after completing.
I would not call it a great project, but she really loved the process and the final product, she actually wanted that to be a her small pillow. So I said we will make a pillow later on Insha Allaah!
She also stitched this embroidery card from the pack the sister sent her as a gift. She chose the colour of the thread and insisted on it, so I hope you can see the stitches Insha Allaah!
As Salaamu Alaiki!
Nice! Mashaa'Allaah :) Maimoonah is learning a great skill! I think sometimes I wish I knew how to sew...especially to make my family clothes- but it's hard to find someone to teach it- consistently and cheaply .. Mashaa'Allaah. Anyways good job ladies :)
Assalaamu alaikum
What a cute pin cushion :) Masha Allah,such a lovely idea I may do the same insha Allah, jazzakillahu khair for the idea! I am sure she loved having something which she made.
I agree Umm Suhaila I am desperate to know how to use a sewing machine. Its on my list of things to do insha Allah.
Fe Amaanillah
Umm Imaan
salam sis, hope your well, sorry for the late reply on archery, we've been away, my kids don't do archery on a regular basis. can't wait to see what other lovely things Maimoona creates!
Assalamualaikum Umm Maimoonah.
What a cute pin cushion Masha-Allah. It's nice to see such enthusiasm in learning a craft. Maimoonah you've got a fan out here in Canada!
Very nice MashaaAllaah good job. Its so important to teach children such things. Even though I have boys inshaaAllaah Im intending to teach them sewing too. WHere can i get such cards from
I took a course on sewing myself last year and can't wait to pass on the skill. I'm glad I'll have your blog to get ideas from in future. Maimoonah's learning a great thing mashAllah.
Alaikum salaam warahmathullaahi wa barakaathuhu!
Masha Allaah I am so thankful to Allaah that I have all of you to encourage me, help me and be there for me through out, Subhanallaah! It is indeed so over whelming to read your comments, Alhamdulillaah!
Umm Suhailah, I know what you mean, I guess as time goes on you will have a liking towards it and eventually learn sometimes when you are put into a situation you automatically learn Insha Allaah! As for me I have taken it for granted that I have my mom to do my sewing : ) May Allaah bless her!!! Aameen!
Umm Imaan, hope to see your projects soon Insha Allaah! And I know one of these days your sewing machine projects will benefit us too Insha Allaah!
No probs sis Minara, I understand, I was so happy to see archery been revived masha Allaah!
Umm Sayang, thanks for all your kind words. Will let Maimoonah know, now I have to think of a way to explain what is this "Fan" is all about to her : )
Umm Abdar Rahmaan, as I said I got this from a dear sister from Europe and the card says this web address
Hope this would help Insha Allaah!
Amatullaah, great! I am sure all what your learnt are pretty fresh and am waiting to get some help from you when needed. I am awaitng your projects too Insha Allaah!
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