Sunday 23 February 2014

Nature Challenge - January

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We entered the Nature Challenge organized by the Qatar Museum Authority for the month of January as well.

This month Maimoonah wanted to submit a Poem as well as an Artwork as the topic was "Under The Sea".

So for the Artwork she did the Under the Sea scene using the foil technique.

And for the poem, she picked up this wonderful book from the library and got inspired.


And wrote this poem. 

Amazing Seabed

What do I see,
Under the sea,

Awesome rainbow fish,
fearsome great white shark,

Enormous blue whales,
Notorious Manta rays,

Scanning hammerhead sharks,
Snouting seahorses,

Stinging jellyfish,
Hiding on the coral reef,

Five armed starfish,
Dive and calm dolphins,

Rumbling sea volcanoes,
pouring out sea lava,

Amazing seabed,
gift for eyes!

This month's challenge could be found here. Certificates and awards will be given to the winners in April, so next month will be the last Challenge I guess. Those who are in Qatar could still participate Inshaa Allaah!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Tarbiyah Girls Club - Class 3

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Days are passing so fast, subhanallaah we had the 3rd Class for the girls this Saturday. Alhamdulillaah girls are settling now and getting to know each other and we hope they would gradually benefit from this cultivation Inshaa Allaah!

So this week we started off with Great Women in Islaam - Our Role Models. They learnt who are our role models and who are the sahaabiyaat. They were taught the merits and high status of the sahabaah and they filled in this worksheet taken from here (changing the sahaabi into sahaabiyaat). The girls have memorised the names of the Ummahaathul Mu'mineen and we just checked them if they knew at least some of their names.

This week in Tahaarah we learnt the third hadeeth in Umdatul Ahkaam about the threat of not washing the limbs of wudoo properly and learnt the benefits of the hadeeth.

Since the sister who does the sewing was unwell (May Allaah cure her completely, Aameen) we could not do sewing as planned. 

But the girls enjoyed a simple Arts and Crafts project. They were given a thick long board folded  into 5 parts to draw a picture like below.

 They had to draw something on each part of the board and colour each part of the picture with different tools like colour pencils, soft pastels, water colours, crayons and markers. 

Each child's project was unique and they had a good time. Inshaa Allaah they will be framed and given to them to take home. 

As for waajibaat we learnt about the Three Fundamental Principles every  Muslim must  know and the evidence from where these 3 fundamental principles come from. Girls were a little taken back we explained the hadeeth of Baraa ibn Aazib radhiyallaahu anhu about the three questions in the grave.

We ended our class with learning the first hadeeth and Athar from Al Adab Al Mufrad with regards to being dutiful to parents.

Finally homework

Alhamdulillaah we can see kids are enjoying these classes and we hope the parents would continue to remind them and help them with what we have taught them for better results Inshaa Allaah!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Stories of the Prophets - Nooh عليه السلام‎ Activity Pack!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalaamu Alaikum!

Continuing with our Stories of the Prophets Activity Pack, Alhamdulillaah we are pleased to put out the Second Activity pack in the series "Nooh  عليه السلام‎ ".

This Pack contains very interesting facts based on the book Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Katheer and activities for kids ages 5 and up. 

The pack has the following documents, so please be sure to download them all.
The Pack includes:
  • The Origins of Shirk
  • The Difference between a Prophet and a Messenger
  • Context Questions
  • Stating true or false 
  • Identifying Qur'aanic Soorahs and Aayahs where the Story of Nooh  عليه السلام is told
  • Interesting facts about the ark 
  • The Story of Nooh's  عليه السلام son
  • A Comprehension activity on the Final Will of Nooh  عليه السلام
  • Labelling a Ship and knowing its parts
  • Making a Flood Booklet
  • Vocabulary Fun
  • Maths Activity on Measuring and Estimating
  • Making a rain gauge and recording rainfall
  • Supplications said during rain, after rain and storm
  • Arabic Fun for beginners and for a little advanced kids who are familiar with Arabic

My sincere thanks to the student of Ilm brother for checking the packs and sister Umm Aayah for beautifully designing the layout. Jazzakumullaah Khayr.

We hope you all would enjoy this with your kids and benefit from it Inshaa Allaah. Please let us know your feedback and contact us if you find any mistakes and share the link with others as well.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Horse Riding Lessons!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Maimoonah is been going for horse riding lessons once a week for the last 3 months now, and enjoys every bit of it. Before we started I told Maimoonah about the Sunnah in learning how to ride horses and why Muslims are encouraged to do so. She really was well pleased and from day one Alhamdulillaah she has been a good student so far. We also hope to do a Horse Lapbook soon Inshaa Allaah.

We take her to Al Samariyah Equestrian Center  located a little away from Doha close to a place called Sheehaniyah. 

This Riding school is so flexible and charges are reasonable and the instructors are friendly too. You can take one hour or half hour classes accordingly. Maimoonah takes 1 hour class once a week.  For those of you in Doha, each class costs 90 riyals for non members 4 to 6 years olds and 100- 120 riyals for non members  7 - adults. Membership fee for a year is QR250  and if you pay that and become members its QR60 for 4 - 6 year olds and QR100 for 7 to adults.

You can take your classes as and when convenient for you by calling them and making a booking if you do not want to be regular. You can also take your kids for just a ride in the woods other than classes. The place is beautiful and on a winter sunny day it really makes you bond with nature Alhamdulillaah. 

Usually the kids get end their class after a full walk on their ponies or horses around the area.

Maimoonah has progressed well and is now able to ride a well behaved trained pony independently and is able to trot, turn a horse, stop it and make it go, ride while standing and is familiar with some other horse riding techniques.

Her father was well pleased with her and now she owns her own comfortable riding hat, baarakallaah feeha which she is very proud of and thankful to Allaah and then to her Abi.

 We are happy we took the decision to enrol her at this age as we can see this exposure is helping her to grow Islamically, physically, socially and emotionally and we ask Allaah to bless her and reward our's and her intentions and bring good to all of us. Aameen.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Tarbiyah Girls Club - Second Session

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We had the second Tarbiyah Girls Class last Saturday Alhamdulillaah. This week we continued with Lesson 2 in Al Waajibaat after having a small revision on lesson 1 and correcting the homework. First we learnt a brief biography of Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab raheemahullaah.

We learnt about "Basmalah" this week. We learnt how to say it in Arabic and its meaning in English, when do we say or write it and what are the unspoken words of Basmalah and for homework we asked the girls to write what is it to not start anything with "Basmalah".


Due to time, we could not finish the Great Women of Islaam Introduction, so explained and asked them to memorise all names of the Ummahaathul Mu'mineen. Inshaa Allaah we will continue this lesson in our next class.

Then for homemaking this week the sister taught the girls basics of sewing. They were all thrilled to get a folder and a tiny sewing kit for themselves along with sheets of papers explaining basic stitches and Embroidery.

The girls were taught to thread a needle and tie knots and were introduced to the hoop and how to use it. Then the girls practiced running stitch. 

Maimoonah came back home and she wanted to do a project with running stitch. So we at home, made a heart shaped pin cushion. We used the felt material and cut two pieces and she stitched both of them together and stuffed cotton wool. Turned out to be a cute pin cushion.


 After sewing we did the second hadeeth on Umdatul Ahkaam, on the Book of Tahaarah. This week we learnt that Salaah will not be accepted if wudoo is not present. We learnt the benefits of this hadeeth and learnt all those things that would nullify the wudoo.

 Again we were tight for time so could not finish off Adab Al Mufrad, so we gave homework for girls to secretly write down for the next two weeks, how they obeyed their parents and how and when they disobeyed their parents. They seem to like the idea that its going to be a "secret". Inshaa Allaah we will learn the first Adab "Obedience to Parents" next time.


 And finally the girls had to note down their homework on their little notebook.

Hadeeth Corner at the Children's Library

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillaah we have started a Hadeeth Corner at the Children's Library. We are using this website and we have got these very child friendly easy to memorize Ahadeeth of Imaam Nawawi. It comes with a beautiful colouring page for each Hadeeth and the Audio of the hadeeth is available too.

So during each visit to the Library, the members will be given a sheet of Hadeeth Colouring Page, to colour and learn the Hadeeth in Arabic and its meaning in English. These are hadeeth with few words taken from Imaam Nawawai's forty Hadeeth especially made for children.

Each child is expected to keep a folder and collect all the hadeeth sheets and is asked to bring along with them during their visits to the Library.


So within 42 visits to the Library each child will be able to memorise all 42 hadeeth Inshaa Allaah. We record the progress during each visit and make the children repeat all the hadeeth they have memorised.

 Maimoonah has memorised 4 hadeeth so far and is enjoying this activity. You can also do this at home with your kids or do it with a group of kids Inshaa Allaah.

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