Saturday 30 July 2011

Ramadhaan Activities - 2011 - Bulletin Board

Alhamdulillaah today is the day of shakk. So we are all excited about Ramadhaan. Maimoonah helped me around the house today to do the last bit cleaning. She helped to sweep, mop, vacuum and change the bedsheets and pillow cases. Very surprisingly when I finished her room she was like "Oh Ummi, Jazzakillaah Khayr Ummi for doing everything for me, Jazzakillaah Khayr Ummi for all this new bedsheets and pillow cases". Masha Allaah this was a very nice gratitude I thought to myself for her to feel it so much and thank me without anyone prompting.

So other than this we put up our Bulletin Board Alhamdulillaah. This is how it looks!

One View

Another View

Most of the things displayed on the bulletin board are same as last year like the "Command of Fasting", "Laylathul Qadar", "Ramdhaan at a Glance", "Dua for Breaking Fast", "Dua for the Host"


Additinally we made the "Day of Fasting" Wheel.

Then we got the Ramadhaan Calander from Smart Ark and the Fasting Tree too from Smart Ark. The fasting Tree we will also use for Good Deeds. So already she got one apple on the tree as she was helping me to put up this Bulletin Board also with cleaning up the house.

We also made this "What Breaks your fast" mobile. She coloured along with me and we hung it up!

Maimoonah read some of the things displayed and we discussed some things about Ramadhaan. And I noticed that she is able to concentrate and grasp more information than last year masha Allaah and the discussion is fruitful too. When Ramadhaan begins Insha Allaah we will be using this bulletin board more for reading and discussing.

As for our circle time we have changed the display stuff. I have put the Calendar with all her activities for this Ramadhaan. And we have displayed "Luqman's Advise to his son", Ummhaathul Mumineen, "Facts about The Quraan and the usual Calendar. So we will be focusing more on these things in Ramadhaan while we continue with word flow, changing dates, Iqra Arabic Reading and Usooluth Thalathah and Basic Principles Insha Allaah!

All the resources for the Bulletin Board could be found here Insha Allaah!

How about all of you? Hope to see your activities soon Insha Allaah!

By the way our dear sister Umm Sarah is hosting a wonderful Ramadhaan Give Away, please do participate and benefit Insha Allaah. All details are here

Friday 29 July 2011

Umar's Instructions on the First Night of Ramadan!

Umar's Instructions on the First Night of Ramadan

It is reported that on the first night of Ramadân, 'Umar – Allâh be pleased with him – would pray Maghrib, then say (to the people:

"Sit down. Then he would give a small addressVerily the fasting of this month has been made a duty upon you, and standing in night prayer has not been made a duty upon you, but those amongst you who can stand in prayer should do so, for it is from the extra good deeds about which Allâh told us: so whoever cannot stand in prayer, let him sleep on his bed.

And beware of saying: I will fast if so and so fasts and I will stand in night prayer if so and so stands in prayer. Whoever fasts or stands in night prayer, he must make this for Allâh. And you should know that you are in prayer as long as you are waiting for a prayer.

Minimize any vain or false speech in the houses of Allâh (mosques; he said this two or three times). Let none of you fast a few days before the month (in order to avoid missing the beginning of the month; he said this three times). And do not fast until you see [the crescent of the new month] unless it is overcast. If it is overcast, count [the previous month] as 30 days. Then do not break your fasts until you see the night upon the mountain (i.e. you are sure the sun has set) . ['Abd Al-Razzâq Al-San'ânî, Al-Musannaf article 7748.]

Thursday 28 July 2011

Smart Ark Arrived!!!

The most awaited Smart Ark Products that I ordered arrived at the right time Alhamdulillaah! Masha Allaah all the products are so wonderful and very good quality. I got the Charity Shop, Animals in the Qur'aan Snap Cards, The two Z and Z books, Card Creating Kit, Easy Doll Sewing Kit and a Sea Shell Exercise Book. Loved them all and will be doing a review as and when we use these items Insha Allaah. For this Ramadhaan we will be using The Charity Shop, Snap Cards and the two Z and Z books Insha Allaah!

Sister Fehmidah at Smart Ark is sweet masha Allaah and please do check her site out for these wonderful products which you and your child will enjoy Insha Allaah. Jazzakillaah Khayr sis Fehmidah for all these wonderful Products and to your kind generosity :  )

Sunday 24 July 2011

Ramadhaan Schedule - 2011

Masha Allaah I see many of you are ready with your preparation and schedules for Ramadhaan and many sisters like UmmSarah and Umm Umamah have already started doing Pre Ramadhaan activities with their kids or well prepared with their schedules masha Allaah!

Ramadhaan Bulletin Board
As I mentioned on my previous post we will be having a Ramadhaan Bulletin Board which I hope to put it, in another few days Insha Allaah. We will be using the same materials as last year and I got some nice additional stuff to use from here like the Ramadhaan Fasting tree and Ramdhaan Calander which has little things to do each day Insha Allaah. Since Maimoonah is able to read I hope to ask her to read each day's reminder and cut that day off so that she knows one day of Ramdhaan is gone Insha Allaah! Also I am planning of using the fasting tree as the good deeds tree Insha Allaah.

Ramadhaan Circle Time
Also I am hoping to revise many things we have done before by putting things up during our circle time like the Names of The Prophets, Ummahaathul Mumineen, Asharathul Mubashsharah, little facts about the Qur'aan and so on, so that she does not forget them Insha Allaah! With this I am putting up this Ramadhaan Calendar with each days schedule of the activities to make it easier for me Insha Allaah.

Ramadhaan Journal
Then we will be having a journal this year. After reading Umm Tafari's post and all what she shared regarding writing journals I wish to introduce journal writing to Maimoonah with this Ramdhaan as it has 1 month and for each day she will be recording something Insha Allaah. This can be something that she draws, pastes, colours or writes, something very simple and the idea is only the introduction for Journals Insha Allaah! This is how it looks for now.

Ramadhaan Reading
These are the books we have chosen to be read in Ramadhaan Insha Allaah. We will be reading all the Darul Kitaab Books one each day Insha Allaah other than the following.

  • When Ramadhaan Comes
  • Lets Celebrate Eid
  • Doing Good Deeds
  • Earning Rewards
  • Good Manners

Then we will be also reading My Little Ramadan Primer from TJ Insha Allaah.
And we will be learning the Iqra Book every day Insha Allaah for Arabic Reading.

Other than the above here are the daily schedule for 30 days Insha Allaah. As you all know I am awaiting our dear sister Umm An Nu'man's Ramadhaan Activity book to be released to add more activities to the schedule hence you will see some days blank. After she puts out the book I will be filling them up Insha Allaah!

  • Day 1 - Ramadhaan Mubarak - Card/Display 
  • Day 2 - Sadaqah Box, Saqadaq till Decoration and Smart Ark My Charity Shop. Reading Charity Lives Here.
  • Day 3 - Suhoor - Worksheet
  • Day 4 - I love dates - Date Box and Dates Fall Down Activity
  • Day 5 - Ifthar - Worksheet
  • Day 6 - A Day of Fasting
  • Day 7 - Smile at Ummi
  • Day 8 - I love you Card for Abi
  • Day 9 - Phases of the Moon
  • Day 10 - An Umrah in Ramadhaan Booklet
  • Day 11 - Taraaweeh Prayer - Decoration
  • Day 12 - Jummah at the Masjid
  • Day 13 - Good Deeds
  • Day 14 - Fasting of a Traveller
  • Day 15 - Health Benefits of Fasting
  • Day 16 - Battle of Badr
  • Day 17 - Arabic Terms related to Ramadhaan
  • Day 18 -Fathima's First Fasting Day 
  • Day 19 - Asking Allaah - Dua
  • Day 20 -Colouring Book
  • Day 21 - Journal Entry - 
  • Day 22 - Lailathul Qadr
  • Day 23 -The Month of Qur'aan
  • Day 24 - Colouring Book
  • Day 25 - Ramadhaan Colouring
  • Day 26 - How was my Ramadhaan?
  • Day 27 - Zakaatul Fitr Maths
  • Day 28 - Eid Lantern
  • Day 29 - Eid Decoration/ Journal Entry
  • Day 30 - Eid Card

With all this Insha Allaah we will be participating in Ummi's Circle Art and Craft Challenge Insha Allaah! Umm Suhailah is hoping to give smart ark gifts so hurry up and sign up Insha Allaah and benefit!

Alhamdulillaah I have done the initial cutting, pasting making books for the above activities. I have printed out the worksheets and all the materials are sorted out accordingly and little pictures and others are put into small bags and all of them are in this small box. So that I do not have to go searching for things in Ramadhaan. All I have to do is take out each set on the right day according to the schedules. :  ) Alhamdulillaah!


Sunday 17 July 2011

Kindergarten Curriculum - 2011/2012 - Weekly Schedule

I have made the weekly schedules for our Kindergarten Curriculum for next year Insha Allaah. You can download it here and you are free to use Insha Allaah! The weekly lesson plans will be done for every 6 weeks and will be available for download as we go on Insha Allaah as usual! : )

As you know we will be using the Kindergarten Islaamic Studies which is available at A Muslim Child is Born. I do not have any specific text book for this. So we will have to come up with ideas and worksheets to teach this curriculum Insha Allaah!

We will be using these Grammar books from Pelangi Publishers Insha Allaah. They are very cute little books with nice illustrations and short sentences describing the concepts. I felt these books were suitable especially for this age as they are fun to learn without any stress. It comes with a text book rather a reading book and an activity book. This Little Grammar series has 30 reading books and 30 activity books. I will be using only the first ten reading books and activity books and Insha Allaah we will continue the next sets of books next year.

We will be using Jolly Phonics to learn the phonics part of it Insha Allaah. I am teaching Maimoonah this only for spelling and writing not for reading as I feel she is doing better with Glenn Doman's method. So I will not stress this too much but just will continue the chapters of Jolly Phonics Insha Allaah!

We will be using the Smart Science Series again from Pelangi Publishers. There are 4 levels. Each level has a text book and an activity book. I like these books as they give a good introduction and less time consuming activities thus not making the small ones bored. It has colourful illustrations too. Also all these pelangi books are very cheap masha Allaah!

For Arabic I am hoping to use Madeenah Books Insha Allaah according to what she grasps thus I have not made a break down on that. 

Hope and pray this would help others as well Insha Allaah! 

Friday 15 July 2011

The Phrase Ramadhaan Kareem - Correct or incorrect!!?

Assalaamu Alaikum!

Since Ramadhaan is around the corner I am sure all of you are preparing in some way Insha Allaah! I find lot of sisters are unaware about the below fatwa and masha Allaah all the sisters who used this phrase without knowledge were very grateful for brining this to their notice. So I thought there are many out there who are unaware and Insha Allaah this would benefit all bi idhnillaah!

Questioner: When the fasting person falls into a sin and he is prohibited from that sin he will say, "Ramadan Kareem". So what is the ruling concerning this phrase and what is the ruling concerning this behavior? 

Sheik Uthaymeen: said: 
The ruling concerning this is, this phrase "Ramadan Kareem" is not correct, and the only phrase that should be said is "Ramadan Mubarak" or what resembles that. Because Ramadan is not the one that gives such that it can be called generous (Kareem), rather it is only ALLAH the Exalted that put virtue in it and made it a virtuous month and made the time period for performing (the fasting) a pillar from Islam. 

And it is as though the one who said this thinks that due to the nobility of this month it is permissible to commit sins. And that is in opposition to what the people of knowledge have said (for they have said) that the sins are multiplied if they are done during virtuous times or noble places so this is the opposite of what this person has pictured. And they have said that it is incumbent upon the person to have Taqwaa of ALLAH the Mighty and Majestic during every time and in every place especially during virtuous times and in noble places. And ALLAH the Mighty and Majestic says 

{Oh you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you like it was prescribed for those before you that you may obtain Taqwaa.}

So the wisdom behind the obligation of fasting is to gain Taqwaa of ALLAH the Mighty and Majestic by doing what He has ordered and avoiding what He has prohibited. And it has been established that the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him said "Whoever does not abandon falsehood in word and action, then Allah Mighty and Majestic has no need that he should leave his food and drink". Therefore fasting is worship for ALLAH and cultivation for the soul and a safeguard for it from the prohibitions of ALLAH. And it is not like this one without knowledge has said that due to the nobility of this month and its blessing, sinning is allowed in it.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Ramadhaan Preparation/Goals and Plans 2011

Alhamdulillaah by the Mercy of Allaah another Ramadhaan is around the corner. So Insha Allaah I am preparing my to do lists and also what I would want to do with Maimoonah this Ramadhaan Insha Allaah. Last Ramadhaan masha Allaah we had a very productive one mainly because I was very well prepared with what I was going to do with her and which eventually paved the way for a Full Preschool Curriculum as well, Alhamdulillaah!

Insha Allaah I hope to use the TJ's Mother's Ramadhaan Organizer and fill in the pages like last year. These are some of the goals I want to achieve this Ramadhaan Insha Allaah!

  • Send some gifts to families back at home
  • Memorize some Soorahs
  • Listen to few duroos at least one a day
  • Try out few new recipes
  • Concentrate more on Ibaadah Insha Allaah!

This is what I have thought of doing with Maimoonah Insha Allaah. It may change as we approach (or while doing activities in) Ramadhaan.

  • Ramadhaan Bulletin Board
  • Reading Ramadhaan related books
  • Memorizing Soorahs according to her pace
  • Ramadhaan Journal
  • Importance of Sadaqah/Charity
  • Good Deeds/Good Manners
  • A Umrah in Ramadhaan Booklet
  • Worksheets based on Ramadhaan
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Ramdhaan Colouring Book
  • Battle of Badr
  • Laylatul Qadr
  • Zakatul Fitr
  • Eid

Based on the above we will participate in Ummi's Circle Art and Craft challenge with Art and Craft activities Insha Allaah! Don't forget to enter this Challenge here Insha Allaah as Umm Suhailah has opened up the signing up process for this beneficial challenge. May Allaah bless her for all her efforts. Aameen!

Also to make it easier for me as well as for all of you I have put up some links(that I found while browsing) of some wonderful Ramadhaan resources on the right hand side of the blog, also I just discovered our sister at smart ark has some nice free pdfs for downloading here and could be used for Ramdhaan activities Insha Allaah! 

I also found a beautiful lapbook on Ramadhaan here. Masha Allaah sister Umm Umamah is very talented and I like her neat activities.

Also you can check out sister Umm Adam's  Flee to Allaah blog for nice Ramadhaan preparation inspirations Insha Allaah.

Insha Allaah if I do find anything more will let you know and looking forward to see your Ramadhaan plans and goals Insha Allaah!

Monday 11 July 2011

Pre School - Assessment!

Alhamdulillaah as you know we have completed the Preschool year and last few days we were doing some Assessments.

I made this Assessment based on what we have covered for the year and based on world book. I ticked off the ones she is able to do end of the year and I added few things she is able to do even though its not a requirement for this level. I hope to file these and maintain these check-lists for each year Insha Allaah for records.

Also I got some end of the year Assessment papers from an International School and I made her do them. They were Upper Kindergarten test papers. (4 year old kids are in this level) I am not for testing children this age with test papers but I did this with her just like any other worksheet and I made it a point to see if she needed help from me or not. Masha Allaah she could do everything independently the only thing she wanted was for me to just sit next to her while she finished all the work. :)

so end of the year this is what we have to collect, file and keep masha Allaah.

We have these wonderful Pre School Mini Workbooks

A nice Environmental Studies book , Arabic Alphabet Book, Asmaaul Husna - Scrap Book, Prophet's Sent by Allaah scrap book.

And all the art and crafts and worksheets are filed inside here.

Next on my to do list is to finish the Kindergarten Weekly Schedule and concentrate on Ramadhaan planning Insha Allaah!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Kindergarten Curriculum Outline - 2011/2012

Assalaamu Alaikum Ya Akhawaat,
This is the Kindergarten Curriculum Outline that I could come up with for Maimoonah to be used for next school year Insha Allaah. This is the outline only and Insha Allaah I hope to incorporate all of this a make a week by week schedule soon. Later as usual I hope to draw up lesson plans for each week as I used to do with "Islaam is my Life Preschool Curriculum", Insha Allaah. So this is the Curriculum outline. I have given the links for resources that I hope to use for this curriculum Insha Allaah. I will discuss later in detail about these resources as we go on Insha Allah! Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and criticism as all of this will only help me to enhance this Insha Allaah. As usual Insha Allaah all this will be available to download for free when everything is done Insha Allaah for those of you who want to use with your kids. By the way I adopted this standard to make this Curriculum bi idhnillaah!
Kindergarten Curriculum
· Tauheed
ü Tauheed Ar Ruboobiyyah
ü Tauheed Al Uloohiyah
ü Tauheed Al Asmaa was Sifat
· Aqeedah
ü Allaah’s will – Qadr
ü Day of Judgment
ü The Angels
ü The Messengers
ü The Books
ü Eeemaan
ü Ihsaan
ü 5 Pillars of Islaam
· Seerah
ü Early Childhood of Prophet Muhammad sallaahu alaihiwasallam
ü Family of the Prophet Muhammad sallaahu alaihiwasallam
ü Advent of Prophet hood
ü Miracles of the Prophet sallaahu alaihiwasallam
ü Life in Makkah and Madeenah
· Fiqh
ü Wudoo
ü Salaah
ü Eating and Drinking
ü Cleanliness – Etiquettes of using the Bathroom / Entering and Leaving the Bathroom
ü Sleeping and Waking
· History, Hadeeth and Biography
ü Sahaabah
ü Taabi’een/ At baauth Taabi’een
ü Scholars
ü Students of ilm
· Adiyya – Supplications

English Language
· Phonics - Jolly Phonic (There was a link to download the handbook but cannot locate it right now)
ü Beginning Sounds
ü Phoneme Blending
ü Final Sounds
ü High Frequency Words
· Recite Alphabets
· Identify Upper and Lower Case
· Print Name
· Identify a Book
ü Front Cover
ü Back Cover
ü Author
ü Contents
ü Index
ü Glossary
ü Publisher
ü Translator
· Writing
ü Vowels
ü Singular/Plural
ü Parents/Young
ü Preposition
ü Opposites
ü Gender
ü Adjectives
ü Actions/Verbs
ü Collective Nouns
ü Homonyms
ü Syllabication/ Compound Words
ü Rhyming Words

· Spelling
· Comprehension
· All about Me
ü People
ü My Body
ü My Family
ü Senses
ü Colours
ü Shapes
ü Hot/Cold
ü Long/Short
ü Smooth/Rough
ü Light/Heavy
ü Wet/Dry
· Living Things/Non Living Things
· Air/Wind
· Light/Shadow
· Weather
ü Cloud
ü Rain
ü Water cycle
ü Rainbow
· Food
ü Food Groups
ü Food Nutrients
ü Food Pyramid
ü Fruits and Vegetables
· Animals
ü Farm Animals/Wild Animals
ü Animal Habitat
ü Birds
ü Insects
ü How do Animals move
ü Animal Babies
· Our World
ü Continents
ü Countries
ü Oceans
· Clothes
ü Mirror
· Transport
ü Fuel
ü Wheels
ü Fast/Slow
· Reuse/Recycle
· Pollution
· Meaning of Holidays
· Neighbourhood
ü Location of Neighbourhood
ü Safety Rules/ Symbols
ü Diagram of home/school
ü Community Helpers
· In the Sea
ü Living Things
ü Fish
ü Sea Creatures and their Food
· Push and Pull
· Float and Sink
· Materials
· Magnet
· Plants
ü Parts of the Plant
ü Life Cycle of a Plant
ü What do Plants Need
ü Where do Plants Grow
ü Seeds
ü Uses of Plants
· Mechanic/Electronics/Heat
· Outer Space
ü Sun
ü Moon
ü Star
ü Earth/Planets
· MEP Maths – Reception Year and Part of Year 1 -
· Reading – Iqra Books
· Introducing different forms of each letter with sound
· Writing – Joining letters
· Madeenah Book – 1
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