Wednesday 29 April 2015

Al Israa wal Mi'raaj - Lapbook

Glorified (and Exalted) be He (Allah) [above all that (evil) they associate with Him] Who took His slave (Muhammad sallaahualaihiwasallam) for a journey by night from Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) to the farthest mosque (in Jerusalem), the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad allaahualaihiwasallam) of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. (Soorah Al Israa 17:1)

Alhamdulillaah we had a workshop for the kids on Al Israa and Mi;raaj few days ago. With the permission of the sister at Muslim Learning Garden we redid the layout of the lapbook with additional information. May Allaah reward sister Umm Aayah and her friend for helping me with the layout and design as usual. The Lapbook template could be downloaded here 
We got the kids the folders and while explaining each page the kids assembled each page on the lapbook.

This is the cover.

 The next page has the summary on a diagram of the happening with explanation of the terms such as Buraaq, Al Israa, Al Mi'raaj.

Then comes the facts of what happened before the journey, the description of Buraaq, and the happenings at Masjid Al Aqsaa.

The next page is about the Prophets met by the Messenger of Allaah on each heaven and all about Baitul Ma'moor.


Sidratul Muntaha and story of the order of Salaah is described on the next page which also includes the meeting of Allaah and the revelation of the last two aayahs of Soorah Baqarah.


Next page has the ahadeeth of what the Messenger of Allaah witnessed at Mi'raaj such as the punishments for some sins and some companions in Jannah.

This page talks about what happened the next day in Makkah and how Abu Jahl and the people ridiculed the Messenger of Allaah and about how Abu Bakr radhiyallaahu anhu got the title As Siddeeq,

The last page talks about the innovation of celebrating Al Israa wal Miraaj with a Fatwa of Shaykh bin Baaz raheemahullaah.

The sources and links are given in the last few pages,

We finished the lapbook with the kids and also had a review question and answer session which was interesting and we were happy to note that the kids really got something out of the workshop and working on the lapbook as all of them showed enthusiasm and answered many of the questions correctly, 

The kids had some snacks and took home their lapbooks after enjoying a quality evening. Alhamdulillaah! 

I thank the sister and my dear friend who opened up the house for this session and the sister who organized the workshop and the sister who helped with narrating and questioning the kids at the session. Jazzaakumullaah Khayr for all your efforts, 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Origami Fun!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Picture Courtesy of Origami Qatar
Alhamdulillaah last Saturday our kids and mums had a blast at the Origami Workshop which we organized for the QMuslimah kids with the talented sister Afsheen here in Doha. Maashaa Allaah she was just wonderful and the kids loved the whole session from the very start! She is known as Origami Addict Qatar and you can read her sweet story here

Afsheen was very clear with her step by step instructions from the beginning till the end and the kids easily followed her and started folding the sheets of papers. She was also helping the kids and looking into each and everyone until they all could get every step right! Mums were around making Origami with the kids too and we all enjoyed the session.
The kids learnt to make an Origami Ice Cream, a Sail Boat, Little Origami Notebooks, Flower and stem on a Card, Sun Glasses and cute little dresses and Abayahs. 



Maimoonah just loved the whole session. And loved making the notebooks. As she came home she could just make few more simple but cute little notebooks without any assistance,


If you are in Doha and if Maimoonah knows you do not be surprised to get few of her handmade origami notebooks as gifts Inshaa Allaah as I see her making them for different people by saying w m, w m!(that's a part of making the notebook!) 

Maimoonah is also trying to remember how to make little dresses as she once heard Umm Mujahid from talking about her kids drawing dresses to indicate little girls and little boys while doing Art work, thus avoiding the drawing of figures with souls. Alhamdulillaah! These little Abayahs the kids made with little help are a bit complicated but with practice the kids would get a hang of it soon Inshaa Allaah!

This was a much needed change and a boost for homeschooling kids Maashaa Allaah and they really enjoyed the out of home activity. Maimoonah loved the company of the fellow homeschoolers and the other kids and the group session with Origami was something ideal for a change! 


If you are in Doha your kids must enjoy this session with Afsheen. Head over to Katara Arts Studio every Saturdays 2 to 6 until June 2015, register before that and enjoy and learn. Do not forget to find out what is this w m, w m is all about! You can contact Afsheen via her Facebook Page

Our sincere thanks to Afsheen for the fabulous workshop. Jazzaakillaah Khayr, We hope we could have another one soon Inshaa Allaah if time permits! 

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