Saturday 29 March 2014

Tarbiyah Girls Club - Class 5

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I have delayed posting this. At the 5th Class of the Tarbiyah Girls Club, two weeks ago the girls had some great fun.

We started off with Great Women of Islaam and learnt about Khadeejah radhiyallaahu anha. We used the Great Women of Islaam from Darus Salaam and learnt the summary of her life. We especially stressed the importance of knowing the great women of Islaam and their lives to make them our role models to get closer to Allaah and enter Jannah. Who is better to start with than, Khadeejah radhiyallaahu anha?

 At the end of the lesson they were given a Fact Sheet to fill in all the information about Khadeejah and they were asked to write in their own words, how is she a role a model for them.

As for Waajibaat we learnt about How to Know Your Lord? We covered Knowing Your Lord through His Signs and explained to them the two different signs and made them understand with examples.

And for Tahaarah we learnt the next hadeeth in Umdatul Ahkaam about the Impurity of the Dog and how to clean it. This turned out to be a great discussion since it brings out scientific proofs and the girls were interested to know more on this. So they understood what is it that is impure in the dog and how to clean that impurity, they were also taught the different opinions of the scholars with regard to this issue.

Then the girls had a nice time making an easy pizza. Here is the recipe. 

We made separate stations for chopping the vegetables, cutting the bread, spreading butter, mixing the toppings and spreading the toppings and invited each girl to do each thing at each station. This way we could control the girls and they get to learn and do every part of the recipe. It was a great success. Alhamdulillaah.


Ready for baking!
The baked pizzas looked like this. 

We wrapped them and gave everyone to take them home.

Since we had more time, the girls did a small indoor game - Obstacle Course until the pizza was ready to eat and till we could clean up the kitchen. They really enjoyed this.

Then we still had time Alhamdulillaah so we had a small Quiz Session. We divided the girls into two sides and had a contest. 

So that ended that week's session Alhamdulillaah. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Winner - Darul Kitab Learn About Series Giveaway 2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalaamu Alaikum

Jazzakumullaah Khayr all of you for participating in the Darul Kitab Giveaway from all over the world. It was so heartwarming to see readers from every corner of the world coming over here, Maashaa Allaah! 

There were 49 entries. We wish we can gift all of you who participated with something but we are able to choose only one winner!!! However Darul Kitab has kindly agreed to give the participants a special discount if your order is for more than 20 books. Usually they give a 10% discount but for the participants of this giveaway they are ready to give 15% discount Inshaa Allaah. So sisters take the opportunity and place your orders. These books are going to help you and your kids for years and years until they get worn out really! Each book is an asset with authentic information out there from birth to adult. So we hope this would help you in some way Inshaa Allaah! Those who want to place your orders please contact Umm Ilhaam at and mention that you participated in Umm Maimoonah's Giveaway.

So Maimoonah yet again picked the winner and the Winner is...................

Umm Sojida from Thailand!

Alhamdulillaah! Congratulations sister  Umm Sojida,  please email me you postal address to and we will post you the 14 Darul Kitab Learn About Series Books Inshaa Allaah!

Thank you very much and Jazzaakumullaah Khayr once again and please do keep me and my family in your duaas. 

May Allaah accept this from us. Aameen

Umm Maimoonah

Monday 10 March 2014

Giveaway - Darul Kitab - New Books

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillaah, Darul Kitab has joined us again to host this Giveaway. We have already had Giveaways of Darul Kitab Books here. This time we will be giving the Winner a set of 14 books (pictured below) which includes some new books put out by Darul Kitab and few old books but with a new attractive print. 

So to enter the Giveaway all you have to do is the following!
  • If you have a blogger account or Google, follow us
  • Or Subscribe to us through Feedburner (right side of the blog has the "Follow by Email" button)
  • Spread the word about the Giveaway ,at least to one of your contacts
  • Leave a comment below this post saying "Done" and your country of residence.
  • No anonymous posts
  • All of the above must be done to take it as a valid entry
  • The Giveaway ends on Thursday 20th March 2014, at 12 midnight Qatar time.
  • The Winner will be announced within three days of the End date.
  • The Winner must contact us within a week, if not we will choose another winner from the entries and wait for another week for the winner to contact us. Yet again if the winner does not contact us, we will repeat the Give Away after sometime Inshaa Allaah.

You can know more about Darul Kitab and Learn About Series here.

Learn About Series Books are a must for every household no matter what age your kids are. They are even great for adults really. These books are compiled so beautifully that we use these books every year. All important point are in there and works well as a great guide for teachers too. 

These are the titles available

01.  Eating and Drinking
02.  Asking Allaah
03.  Some Important
04.  Sleeping and Waking up
05.  Some of the Best Times
06.  Dhikr
07.  Good Manners
08.  When we are sick
09.  Earning Rewards
10.  Angels are Real
11.  Shaitan is not our Friend
12.  When Ramadhan comes
13.  Lets Celebrate Eid
14.  Our Clothes
15. My Little Book of Jannah
16. My Little Book of Jahannam
17. In the way of the Sahabah
18. Manners of Reciting the Quran
19. The Story of Hajj
20. Arabic Numbers
21. Lets Learn to Protect Ourselves
22. Aadam, a Prophet of Allaah 
23. Arabic Alphabet 
24. The Hijrah Pt.1 - Preparing for the Journey 
25. The Hijrah Pt. 2 - The Journey from Makkah to Madinah

And these are the new biography Series

1. Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam - our Prophet
2. Khadeejah radhi allahu anha - The Mother of the Believers
3. Ibrahim alaihissalam - The Friend of Allaah Pt. 1 and 2
4. Yunus alaihissalam - a Prophet of Allaah
5. The Story of Yusuf alaihissalam - a Prophet of Allaah Pt. 1 and 2
6. Nuh alaihissalam - The First Messenger
7. Ismaeel alaihissalam - a Prophet of Allaah

Here are the contact details Insha Allaah.

Dar ul Kitab Bookstore
6, Nimal Road Colombo 4 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 5358712 Fax: +94 11 5358713 email: or

We thanks Darul Kitab for their continuous support. 

Thank You!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalaamu Alaikum warahmathullaah Akhawaat,

Alhamdulillaah. Indeed all praise is due to Allaah alone.This blog was started (after much convincing by my sis Umm An Nu'man) in 2010, when I began formally homeschooling my daughter who was 2.5 years old at that time. 

Since then we have been recording our journey and sharing the resources, ideas and methods with regard to homeschooling while learning every day. Alhamdulillaah there is a huge amount of traffic coming to this blog every day and from the mails I get almost every day from sisters, I am pretty sure that there are many who are benefitting from our journey, Maashaa Allaah. May Allaah keep our intentions pure and accept this as a sadaqaah Jaariyah for me and my family. Aameen. 

I see 99 followers on the side of the blog and I also see 261 email subscribers to this blog. Alhamdulillaah. While thanking the old readers we warmly welcome the new readers.

I wish to thank Allaah first for the blessing He had bestowed upon us, and then all of you who are following and who have subscribed: the old readers and the new readers, the fellow bloggers who have stuck with me from day one and helping me and encouraging me throughout this journey, sisters who personally mail me and thank me for the resources and make duaa for me and my family, sisters who personally came and met me when they knew I was available in their lands, Sister Umm An Nu'man for being there for us and guiding me from the first day when I felt so lost with homeschooling, those silent readers who refrain from commenting or mailing or coming forward but silently making dua for us, my little grown daughter Maimoonah for learning from me for all these years even when I am impatient at times with her, and last but not least, my dear husband who makes things easy for me to homeschool and share resources and helps us with his utmost generosity and sees that we get the best, may Allaah bless him. Jazzakumullaah Khayr for all of you and everyone and anyone whom I have missed above.

As per the hadeeth "Those who do not thank the people, do not thank Allaah", I wish to thank you all by having a Giveaway Inshaa Allaah. Please read the next post for the details of it. We hope all of you would participate in it and spread the word.

Baarakallaah Feekum
Umm Maimoonah

Saturday 8 March 2014

Tarbiyah Girls Club - Class 4

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Last week we  covered few more interesting topics at the Tarbiyah Class. 

This time the children took turns and read the Khutbul Hajjah and its meaning. It was nice to see them coming forward Alhamdulillaah.

Then we covered "Who is your Lord", in waajibaat. Girls learnt the meaning of Rabb and how to answer the question "Who is your Lord?" And they also learnt the Proof for "Allaah is my Lord". They were asked to write some of the blessings and favours of their Lord.

We had a long lesson on Taharaah. They were taught the Fourth Hadith of Umdatul Ahkaam in the Book of Tahaarah, which deals about Madmalah, snuffing water inside the nose, the method of washing the private parts and finishing it with an odd number, washing the hands 3 times when one wakes up and before putting the hands into any vessels with water or liquid, the reason for that and many benefits of the hadeeth.


As for Adab al Mufrad we explained the second Hadeeth and Athar on being dutiful to the mother. We discussed with the girls what makes them disobey their mother, and they were free to discuss reasons honestly. And we emphasised the command of obeying the mother even though the girls would not like it sometimes and stressed the importance of gaining the rewards of Allaah and avoiding Allaah's anger.

Finally we finished off with this cute Felt Basket sewing project. The sister had got each pack of materials needed for each child and she taught them to saw Blanket Stitch. The kids enjoyed and they decorated their basket with buttons. All the kids could not finish the whole project so they were asked to complete at home.

These were a couple of baskets done by girls. 

And this is Maimoonah's completed felt basket.


 Here is the homework reminder.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Arabic Update!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I have not been able to post an update on our Arabic for this year. Here is a summary of what we are doing and where we are now.

As you know I did not use Glenn Doman's method to teach Arabic reading with Maimoonah as I did for English. Instead I used the Iqra Books and the Word Flow for Arabic. The progress was slow comparing to English reading but Alhamdulillaah eventually we have got there.

So now Maimoonah has completed the Iqra Books and is able to read Arabic. We have started reading the Qur'aan from Soorah Baqarah. She reads three to four aayaahs every day depending on the length of the aayaahs, she reads more or less. The reason we did not start reading from Juzz Amma is because I noticed that she is not putting effort to read as she has already memorised them. So starting off from Soorah Baqarah is working fine.

We also read Easy Arabic Books from the Children's Library. She is still unable to read without Haraqaat though. 

As for Grammar and language we are using the Gateway to Arabic Book 1 and Madeenah Arabic Book 1. She has almost finished the Gate way Book 1. Her writing has improved very much and I still give her to trace to make it better. This book is good for vocabulary too.

As for Madeenah Book 1 I used to make worksheets before but it was time consuming. Alhamdulillaah I found this site (I cannot guarantee the authenticity of the other materials found in this site, so please check before you browse the other stuff) with worksheets for each chapter of the Madeenah Book done by the same author and it really saved time. So now we are using this. She is learning grammar, writing, and vocabulary with these worksheets. Now we have completed about 5 lessons with all worksheets and continuing. It is slow but I really do not mind as long as she gets to understand fully.



She also listens to other Arab kids and tries to use their dialect and talk very little at times.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sewing Saturdays - Making a Doll

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We are not too regular with Sewing Saturdays, since we also do the Tarbiyah Classes every other Saturdays. Any way sometime back Maimoonah made this Smart Ark Doll which I got for her and kept 2 years ago.

This Easy Sew Doll kit comes with everything you need to sew a cute soft toy doll with a Hijaab, such as needle and thread, poly stuffing, pair of scissors and printed doll fabric. 

This was an ideal project for Maimoonah to revise her stitches. She used back stitch as instructed. 


 And this is the finished doll.


This is suitable for a very independant project for 6 and up and a fun way to keep them occupied while learning some skill.
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