Tuesday 26 January 2021

Learn the Beautiful Names of Allaah

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Many of us love to teach our little ones the Asmaaul Husna or the Beautiful Names of Allaah. However, we find it hard to instil the true meanings of the Names of Allaah to a little child. Probably because the information out there maybe not authentic or does not meet the level of the child. 

Learning the Names of Allaah should not be restricted to memorising the Names and knowing the translated meanings of it, rather it should be a study that aids the child to preserve and act upon the meaning of those Names of Allaah. Indeed this is a noble branch of knowledge in Islaam and has a high status.  

So how would you teach the Names of Allaah? Are you considering to limit it to colouring pages? Good idea, however, will that help the child to understand the meaning the beautiful Names? Will the child understand the difference between the Names of Allaah and other names? Will you be able to give a clear and simple explanation which meets the level of the child without confusing and putting doubts into the little minds about the Names of Allaah? How would you make sure the child lives the understanding of the Names in order to benefit from that knowledge? 

These are the challenges we face in imparting this noble branch of knowledge. 

I invite you and your children ages 6 - 10 to join me for 10 weeks online course to learn 40 Names of Allaah like never before by the permission of Allaah. 

We will be providing a digital study guide explaining the Names of Allaah along with interactive workbooks and the children will complete Lapbooks to understand their learning. All activities are designed to instil the meanings of Allaah to be lived and implemented. 

We have been able to simplify the explanations of the Names of Allaah with cute illustrations based on Shaykh Uthaimeen's (raheemahullaah) Explanation of the Names of Allaah from the translated work of our noble brother Abu Talha Daawood Burbank (May Allaah have mercy upon his soul and grant him the highest place in Jannatul Firdaws) with the kind permission of his children. May Allaah make this a continuous charity for him. Aameen. 

Additionally, as always, these workbooks and study guides are edited, checked and reviewed by a student of knowledge. So we make sure that this noble branch of knowledge imparted to your children is only from authentic sources checked and verified and not our own words or thoughts or explanations. 



Nurture Islaam Online Courses is now in its 4th year Alhamdulillaah. We have been having courses for the whole year and the student participation has reached over 1000 annually by the Mercy of Allaah. 

Details below, there are a few spaces available for the live classes started next Saturday 30th January 2021 Inshaa Allaah. Those of you have a time zone issue, can sign up and complete the course at your own pace. You do not miss anything except the live interaction. 

Nurture Islaam Online Course 📣

The Beautiful Names of Allaah - Part 1 🌻

Girls and Boys Ages 6 - 10 with their Mums

2 Months Course

8 Classes + 2 Bonus Free Classes 💐


🗓️Every Saturdays, Beginning 30th of January 2021 to 3rd April 2021 Inshaa Allaah 

🕔Time: 4pm to 5.30pm KSA/Qatar Time

Cost: USD52 Per Child, Per Month (Full 2 months Total Cost $52X2=$104 (Paid in 2 Months Instalment) 

(Inclusive of all Digital Workbooks)

Topics Covered📚

🔖Principles of Understanding the Names and Attributes of Allaah

🔖Explanation of 40 Beautiful Names of Allaah

🌻Based on Shaykh Uthaymeen's Explanation of the Names of Allaah

🌻Engaging Activities, Projects, and Quizzes


Email - info@umm-maimoonah.com or  Whatsapp/Telegram  +974 66132058

Sunday 24 January 2021

Allaah is the Creator - Free Download

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We have been silent in the space for a while. Alhamdulillaah we have been busy with transitions. Children are growing, and their needs are different. And by the grace of Allaah and your support, our online courses and online digital products are growing and reaching many families and communities. 

We hope we can continue to blog and share our journey and resources with you all regularly Inshaa Allaah.

We are here today to share a simple activity we did when Ramlah when she was 3 years. She is almost 5 now, and she loves to do this activity. 

This is a little book that can be used for instilling Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah the Lordship of Allaah, early reading, read aloud, memory game, copy-work or copywriting, writing and much more.

You may read the sentences first even with a 2-year-old. And then explain about Allaah being Al Khaaliq. You can also use the little cards to enhance vocabulary and show the kids the images when you are reading, emphasising that Allaah is the Creator who created everything. 

You may have all the little images in a basket and ask the child to match the images in the little box provided as and when you read a sentence. This can work as a memory game too. 

Older kids can draw images and have some art fun. You can also use stickers or pictures and get the children to cut and paste. It is designed so that it's easy for you to tweak as per your child's capability. 

Once this is done, you can continue to use it for reading and read aloud. The children who are learning to read via Glenn Doman's Reading Program will find this book a treat just like my little one did. 

As they grow older, or for kids who can write or are learning to write, they can also use this for copy work. They can look at a Quráan aayah which talks about each sentence or a hadeeth and Copywrite in the space provided. 

The little kids who are learning the parts of speech or just learning to write can make their own sentences and practise parts of speech and writing sentences. 

And finally, older kids can come up with their own writings, writing a small paragraph about the sentence linking it to the Lordship of Allaah.

The creativity has no end as this little book works for all primary level ages bringing you a great amount of benefit with simplicity. 

Arabic sentences are included for Arabic reading and writing too. An additional bonus Inshaa Allaah. Please note the Arabic words for fruits and vegetable, tree and flower are in the singular form. Inshaa Allaah will try to correct them and upload. For now, you could use it as singular form inshaa Allaah. 

Download the Allaah is Al Khaaliq Activity Book Here

Download the Images for the Activities Here!

Enjoy and tag us on Instagram with your completed activities, and look out for the next FREE Download soon, Inshaa Allaah!

How to Print and Assemble this Booklet?

  • Print on A4 size sheets of papers. You MUST print as single sides, double side printing will not work. 
  • Print the cover page on sturdy heavy paper.
  • Cut the cover page (front and back cover) into half from the middle. Make sure the corners are lined up. ( Important: Only the cover page should be cut all other pages should be folded into half)
  • Fold the remaining pages of the book into half while taking care to line up the corners.
  • Stack the pages with the folded edge on the right.
  • Place them in order - title page, then page 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. Regardless of the number of pages on the book, the odd numbers should be stacked sequentially.
  • Square up the edges of all pages. Tuck the inner pages as tightly as possible.
  • Metal spiral-bind the pages for easy use.
  • You may use this video as a guide to see how the inner pages are folded. 

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