Thursday 27 January 2011


Alhamdulillaah today Our Lord answered our dua and freed us from all the trials and tribulations we were going through for the past few months. Subhanallaah! I really do not know how much I should thank HIM for all this blessings He has bestowed upon us today! Allaahu Akbar! He is indeed Ar Rahmaan and Ar Raheem.

I hope and pray our patience will be rewarded greatly in this world and the hereafter, and that He will protect us from falling short from future trials and eases our affairs in the years to come Aameen. And Maimoonah has been doing really well throughout this period by being patient with us and going through each and every thing along side us masha Allaah.

So Insha Allaah we are fully back on the net from today Insha Allaah and will be posting our journey as before.

A big jazzakumullaah khayr for those two wonderful families is doha who have helped us throughout and for all of you sisters for making good duas for us. Barakallaah Feekum. Especial thanks and jazzakillaah Khayr to sis Umm Nu'man for all her help and support and her special duas for me and she really went out of the way to help me with homeschooling Maimoonah. May Allaah reward you immensely in this world and the hereafter. Aameen.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Thank You!

Last week one of our dearest neighbours took us out for dinner. Masha Allaah the place was really nice and the food was so tasty too. And above all it was a great change for Maimoonah especially because she could go out and be with 2 kids a boy almost her age and a little one year old girl masha Allaah!

May Allaah bless this brother and her wife as they have been so helpful to us masha Allaah.

So Maimoonah enjoyed the dinner and the next day morning we decided to make a “Thank You” card for this nice gesture.

So we took a construction paper and Maimoonah drew these flowers, hearts, butterflies and all the shapes using the stencils and coloured them too.

Then she wrote her name all by herself and traced the “To, Uncle and Aunty”. We decorated the card with gel pens!

This is how the card looked.

Then we went to their building and left the card on their door!

Maimoonah liked the idea and she was happy too!

Friday 14 January 2011

Summary - Week 8 - Allaah Gives me Food to eat!

Allaah gives me food to eat!

We spoke about the need of food for the sole purpose of worshipping Allaah alone and talked about how much of good deeds we would be able to do if we remain healthy and energetic masha Allaah.

As we formally started Home Schooling sis Umm An Nu’man helped me with “Alhamdulillaah for Food” theme almost a year ago. So this time we went through those activities before we started our topic of the week.

We revised the Nutrients found in food and used the Encyclopedia and studied what good nutrients do for our bodies. This time Maimoonah understood lot of things and masha Allaah she could remember them well too.
We did the mini work book on “Allaah gives me food to eat”. She read whatever she could and I helped her with new words and she enjoyed colouring, writing and doing all the activities.

Then we learnt about The Food Groups and the Food pyramid.

We cut and pasted from leaflets and magazines different kind of food according to the Food Groups on her Environmental Studies book.

Then I explained to her the “Food Pyramid”.

We learnt the colours of the pyramid. She coloured the food pyramid.

We also wrote a bit about the Food Pyramid on her Environmental Studies Book.

We also did a cutting and pasting activity on healthy food and unhealthy food.

Masha Allaah we could find loads of pictures so easily on food as every week we see these leaflets on our door step, smile! While talking about Healthy food and unhealthy food our little girl said “Ummi but I like unhealthy food too, like ice cream and French fries…”, So I said, well, you can eat them small quantity once in a way but not every day, she was happy at least she could eat them!

Then we learnt and pasted the things found in the Kitchen.

I also took her to the kitchen and showed her almost all the things in the kitchen and named them to her. She enjoyed this masha Allaah.

We are still reading the first 6 points from The Basic Principles on the subjects of Tawheed, Fiqh and Aqeedah. She is progressing well masha Allaah!

Qur’aan Memorization
She memorized Sooraah Al Dhuha, this week masha Allaah! Lately she goes to the masjid with Abi for Isha and listens to the recitation of the Imaam. And she is thrilled when she hears the Imaam recting soorah she has memorized.

Asmaaul Husna
We learnt the Names and Attributes Ar Razzaaq, Al Akram, Al Kareem, Arl – Barr

Reading , Islaamic Studies, Adab and Akhlaaq
We read the Daarul Kitaab book “Eating and Drinking”. And sis Umm Ibraahim’s wonderful compilation of the Eating Etiquettes”. Masha Allaah she learnt many new things from this book too. Great books to teach the etiquettes.

At the moment she is trying to read this book masha Allaah!

We made the Fil Mathbakh” tot book from A Muslim Child is Born, with the help of an Egyptian neighbor and our dictionary to learn Arabic. Masha Allaah this was well enjoyed.

This is the inside of the tot book in detail

She also attempts to write Arabic letters. We practiced these letters this week.

We learnt the next set of words from the Madeenah Arabic book vocabulary. Insha Allaah we will be soon starting on an Arabic Alphabet book.

We also revised the “Book of Food” from Arabicfirst.

Language, Writing, Making Words

Masha Allaah Maimoonah’s writing has improved a lot. Now she writes letters and words on her own. She can listen to the sound of the letter and write. She enjoys writing uppercase letters so far. I guess when she gets more control she would switch on her own to lower case Insha Allaah. We practiced letters F and I. And she was happy to write the missing letters on the mini work book.

That night I had a surprise. She has taken her book and attempted writing her name and she called and asked me Ummi does this look like Maimoonah? Smile.

She already knows to write “Abi” on her own as every now and then she writes this all over!
Then she asked me to tell her something so that she could write. I sounded the letters of what she did on the mini work book that morning and masha Allaah she actually wrote all this! It was a her first dictation words I guess!
I also sounded out the letters and she made these words.

I had this work book which was used at the school I was working before and it turned out to be a good one to keep Maimoonah occupied.

It can also be her English Alphabet book for sometime.

We continued with MEP and did Chapter 21.

We also learnt “Sharing in different way”. I used her pencils and her soft toy bunny and worked this out with her. She understood something but I feel she needs more practice in this.

I also had a number book which was used at the school I was working before and masha Allaah Maimoonah is able to use that now.

She can count and match the correct numbers also write the correct numbers on her own.

This book also keeps her occupied as now I notice every now and then she comes to me and asks “Ummi what she I do now?”. Smile! I think we need to get her new learning materials! Insha Allaah may be soon! (Jazzakillaah Khayr sis Umm An Nu’man for your reviews of the products of Learning Roots and Smart Ark)

Montessori Activities
Carrying a chair
She has been transferring her chair all over the house for sometime now and finds a bit difficult to do so. So we leant how best it is to carry it and now she does it with ease masha Allaah!

That's the summary for now, Insha Allaah we will continue with week 9.

Friday 7 January 2011


Sister Umm Raiyaan at often speaks about children taking their initiation in learning and doing things. I always liked this way too and admire her daughter taking up this initiation and learning things masha Allaah.

I have been following Ummihomeschoolsme from the time Maimoonah was born as I intended to homeschool before even she was born, smile. And this is one of those blogs which inspired me gave me courage, interest, ideas and an assurance bi idhnillaah that I could home school too without any experience. I always loved the way Umm Rayyan taught her daughter from a very early stage and wondered if I could ever do this with Maimoonah. Now looking back I can see a lot of similarities masha Allaah. And indeed it was a great blessing from Allaah that I came across her blog and may Allaah bless her and reward her for all her sharing, Aameen.

So why do you think I am writing so much…

The other day I was blessed to witness my daughter taking up this initiation in learning too , masha Allaah! Since we were talking about day and night, Maimoonah brought me some papers folded and asked me to staple them so that she can make a book of Night and Day. I did that and gave it to her expecting her to just scribble and colour. But to my surprise she started writing masha Allaah and asked me to spell out certain words she was not sure of. Subhanallaah I was amazed but it was true.

Then I told her to draw too. She did well masha Allaah, she actually drew the sun with rays!

I remembered sis Umm Raiyaan talking about this initiaton and I knew the happiness in seeing such initiation Alhamdulillaah! And I was actually thankful to Allaah for making this huge task of home schooling easy for me which I thought would be so difficult 2 years ago Alhamdulillaah!

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