بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind Dinars and Dirhams, but they left behind knowledge; and whoever receives it, receives an abundance of good fortune.
(Ahmad, Abu Dawud; authentic)
Alhamdulillaah we are pleased to share with you yet another free download from our Nurture Islaam Products. This time it's all about encouraging young and growing children to study and learn about the biographies of the Inheritor of the Prophet, our noble scholars.
Maashaa Allaah there are many authentic books on the biographies of the scholars available now in English. Invest in them and make it a tradition of your family to read and know them and know about their lives. Here are some titles available here

We have immense benefits and lessons to learn from their noble life and their stories become great inspiration and motivation especially for pre-teens and teenagers at this age and time, subhanallaah!
Even if you have given your children a good upbringing and a solid foundation of the dheen at early years, they are not free from falling into fitna. They need constant reminders, they need continuous encouragement, they need sincere guidance, they need endless inspiration and motivation. Reading and learning the lives of the scholars together as a family is one way to achieve this.
We know the pre-teen and the teenage age is not easy to deal with. It is tough, but Alhamdulillaah for Islaam. We just need to take that extra step and establish something. Stories touch the hearts, stories change the hearts, stories have a powerful impact on us, So why not use this tool of storytelling and story reading to cultivate our growing children. It helps the adults too. Don't we all need some boost every now and then to increase our weakening Eemaan?
We started our journey of learning about the scholars many years ago with Maimoonah, But we had to stop as I could not find enough authentics information or books at that time about the scholars and it took a lot of my time and effort to simplify and put together something for her.. Alhamdulillaah now we have access and we want to restart this journey. And inshaa Allaah we will be slowly producing the series on the biography of the scholars and make them available for purchasing at the Nurture Islaam Series little shop soon. Till then here is something for you to start.
Get some books on the biographies of the scholars or use this link and read with your children. Make time for reading and discussing just like you make time for coffee and tea. Relax and read little at time and when you complete the story of a scholar get your kids to use these free templates are fill them up. You can compile your own scrapbook or binder on the biographies of the scholars inshaa Allaah. It does not take even 30 minutes to fill it up. Reading and discussing mat=y take some time. But once done just make kids use their creativity in writing and crafting and fill it up. Serves as good writing practice and literacy enrichment too.
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I chose to write about the Muhaddith of this era Shaykh Naasirruddeen al Albaani raheemahullaah who changed my life and who captured my interest as a teenager through his precise writings and fiqh. I remember tears would not stop when the news reached me that day that he has returned to the mercy of Allaah, May Allaah have mercy upon him and grant him the highest position in Jannah and enable me to see him in the best place ever. Aameen.
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Download Link for Biography of the Scholars Template
You are free to print this document and photocopy for any number of children/adults in order to distribute it free of charge. But you may NOT distribute the downloaded document to others via email or by uploading onto the internet. You are welcome to pass on the above download link to others to download the pack directly from our website. You are allowed to charge the cost of printing only if necessary without any profits or without any extra charges in order to distribute it among the children. By downloading this pack by Allaah you agree to abide by the copyrights mentioned below.
Copyright © 2018 by Umm Maimoonah
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