Saturday 26 March 2011

Summary - Week 12 - Allaah Sees All!

Allaah Sees All!

We spoke about the fact that Allaah could see everything at the same time and even a musterd seed when it is dark. He is Al Baseer. We also discussed about we being obedient to Him always in public and private because He is able to see us no matter what.

Masha Allaah once again sis Umm Nu'man's mini work book was so wonderful and Maimoonah was so happy to complete it fast. She could read on her own masha Allaah and it was fun.

She was independantly making these words pasting them on the correct position masha Allaah! No supervision as I asked her to do it and finish while I pray and come.

She was the first to spot all these things masha Allaah!

We spoke about people being blind and these activities on the book made her understand this masha Allaah!

We also studied about the Eye. Pasted the diagram on the environmental studies book and we learnt the parts of the eyes and their functions.

We did a small experiment to see how the pupil gets bigger when it is dark and how it gets smaller when there is light by taking a mirror and obseving the pupil in a dark room and with light thereafter.

We also spoke about tears and and how we must take care of our eyes. You can teach everything about your eyes from here Insha Allaah according to the level your child. We just spoke about these things and Insha Allaah this is a great simple resource for older kids.

Maimoonah now knew that she should not rub her eyes when it itches rather she should blink, smile! She keeps reminding me not to rub my eyes these days.(Its really dusty and windy here, there were reported sand storms too, subhanallaah, so eyes keep itching)

We continued with some other sense of sight activities as well. Here are few!

Exploring shells with magnifying glasses

Checking out the magnets

Finding the other half of the picture

Itsy Bitsy book of sense
You can download this from here Insha Allaah and use to it for the remaining senses too.

Worksheet on the sense of sight: She was supposed to circle the pictures that she could see but cannot touch!

Asmaaul Husnah

We learnt "Al Baseer - The All Seeing and Ar Raqeeb - The All Watcher"

Qur'aan Memorization

Maimoonah memorized Soorah Al Alaq sometime back and for the last couple of weeks we did not start on a new soorah simply because Maimoonah is having a bad cough for the last one month and when she recites she keeps coughing more. So we have been taking it easy and few days ago we started memorizing Soorah al Humazah.


We did the next chapter on MEP maths. Its the introduction for more and less.

Also she did a counting and matching worksheet from the number book.

Reading, Writing

She traced this

She could read this masha Allaah!

Also we made a small reading book with cutting pictures from magazines to go along with our topic, "Maimoonah's Book of Look, see and read!"

Masha Allaah I could introduce some new words here and she enjoys reading this little book.


We coloured and learnt the letters "taa and thaa" Learnt to read them and she could read this Iqra page masha Allaah.

Masha Allaah she attempts to write these letters on the whiteboard with haraqaat and reads.

We also started the Learning Roots - Word flow. This week we learnt these words.

So that ends the next bacth of six weeks (Weeks 7 -12) of our Islaam is my life Pre school curriculum", Alhamdulillaah! We will not be having a break this time as we are already behind schedules : ) . Insha Allaah we will continue with our next 6 weeks.

Al - Khor

Yesterday we went on a ride to a city called Al Khor. It is the northern part of Qatar about 50 to 60 Km from where we stay. Here is a little about Al Khor from wikipedia

Masha Allaah it was a very nice city. Extremely calm and quiet place, sometimes too quiet! Very spacious city and we actually felt as if we have gone to a country side crossing borders subhanallaah!

Also we by accident we saw a beach resort and went into to it masha Allaah the scene and feeling was lovely. We spent some quality family time there, had their buffet asked them to show us around, enjoyed the scenery and returned home Alhamdulillaah! Here are some pics that we took. Enjoy!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Word Flow - Learning Roots!

Today we started using the "Word Flow" From Learning Roots masha Allaah!

There are 92 high frequency words used in the Qur'aan in the form of flash cards. Masha Allaah as I am following the Glenn Doman's method for reading with Maimoonah these cards are great for her Arabic Reading. These cards also have the meaning of the Arabic word in English.

This week we chose three cards and altogether 6 words. Since I am teaching Maimoonah Fatha Kasrah and Dhamma I intend to make her familiar with these cards the haraqaat as well as the formation of different letters along with sight reading Insha Allaah!

I hope Learning Roots comes out with more products like this may be an enhanced version on making sentences found in the Qur'aan. Can be also a puzzle kind of a thing where when the child is familiar with these words they are able to identify words and put them together Insha Allaah!

These cards could also be used for many other purposes I guess. At the moment I am using for what I have mentioned above as Maimoonah grows may be we can think of other ways too bi idhnillaah!

Sisters who have used these cards and have their suggestions please do share Insha Allaah!

I feel these cards are really good for especially non Arabic speaking, writing mothers so that they can make themselves as well as their kids familar with the words of Allaah Insha Allaah!

Saturday 19 March 2011

Sense of Sight!

We are on the topic "Allaah sees everything" in our Pre School Curriculum and here are few of the "Sense of Sight" Activities we did throughout the week and more...

Name the objects on the table!

I blindfolded Maimoonah and placed some things on her desk. Asked her if she could see anything. She said everything was dark. I explained to her that if you do not have the sense of sight you are called blind and some people are blind. But Allaah gives them the ability to touch and feel and understand what is around them just like you are doing here. She understood and I reminded her a dua that we ask very often not to take away our sight and hearing.." We also spoke about how powerful Allaah is that He sees every little thing all at the same time and what a blessing that He has bestowed upon us so that we can see His wonderful creations.

She touched each thing and named them correctly!

What is in the bag?

I filled a bag with many things around the house and blindfolded Maimoonah and asked her to take each item and to tell me what it was. Interestngly she named all the items correctly. I was not sure if she was able to see, so I checked her out by asking what is Ummi doing and she said I was sitting in front of her while I was actually doing something completely funny lol! She really enjoyed this and asked me to play this again! You can keep changing the items and play this game. They learn a lot masha Allaah!

Milky Rainbow

I got this from here . There are many more activities listed there Insha Allaah!. Gave her a container with little milk. I did not have any food colouring so I used a little bit of water colours (my picture is not very clear). Gave a small cup with soap liquid. Asked her to dip the soap liquid with a toothpick and then dip it into the milk. It becomes like a rainbow. You can keep doing it again. Maimoonah enjoyed it. I wish I had different colours of food coulring Qadarallaah Masha Allaah!

Walking - Blindfolded!

Blindfolded her and asked her to walk to a destination.

I Spy Bottle!

This wonderful Idea I got it from countingcoconuts. Masha Allaah Maimoonah had fun. Its so easy to do. I just took a bottle with a tight lid. Picked some little things like crayon, shell, blocks etc etc and put them into the bottle and filled the bottle with rice grains. Then tightened the lid (make sure that they cannot open) and shook the bottle so that only rice could be visible. Then gave it to her and asked her to name all the things she could find inside that bottle. This was fun. She was shaking and shaking to find the stuff. I took a piece of paper and wrote down each item she told so that she does not repeat the same item. You can keep changing the things to make it interesting Insha Allaah!

A visit to the Optician

We had to go to the optician to collect my husband's glasses. So we took Maimoonah and showed her many glasses and asked her to try out some sun glasses. I asked her what colour is it when you wear those glasses. She was like green colour, brown colour and black colour and so on. She was feeling very shy to try out the glasses.

We could not get inside the eye testing room but just gave her a small explanation of it.

What is missing?

We took some Arabic Alphabet flash cards. Kept few on the table asked her to read the letters and then told her to close the eye and I placed her hand on one card and made her take it and put it down. She has to open her eyes tell me what is the letter that is missing. And while she closed her eyes I kept shuffling the cards to different positions. This was a great way of learning and revising the Arabic Alphabets too!

We have some more activities on this topic. Insha Allaah will update when we finish. This week and the following week will be lots of hands on activities Insha Allaah!

Learning Roots!

I always loved the Learning Roots products from the look of itself Masha Allaah!

Alhamdulillaah I was able to get the items I wanted from one of their Saudi Agent. Masha Allaah the sister in Madeenah is so sweet and she shipped the items via express mail and I got them within two days. Alhamdulillaah the Shipping cost was cheap too.

All the items are very colourful and easy to use and great resources for kids masha Allaah! You can have a look at all their products here Insha Allaah!

Insha Allaah we will be using these items along with our curriculum and will give you details of each item when we use Insha Allaah!

I have another few more things to get down and in case any sisters from Qatar need any items please do contact me ( at your earliest so that you can cut down on the shipping cost Insha Allaah.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Visit to the Zoo!

When we were learning about "Allaah Created Animals and Bird", which was part of our Pre School Curriculum I planned to take Maimoonah to the Zoo. Qadarallaah Masha Allaah it did not happen at that time. But yesterday we suddenly decided to go and Masha Allaah here are some pictures! Enjoy!

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