Saturday 14 October 2017

Knowing Allaah - Online Course for Ages 5 - 8

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillaah the girls are enjoying the Online Classes and we are happy to provide the same experience to the younger kids upon the request of many parents. Details are below.

The above Online course is open to girls and boys 5 - 8 years but they must be accompanied by their mother. 

There will be 8 classes each consisting of 1 hour. Classes are scheduled for every Sundays as follows inshaa Allaah:

Time: 3pm to 4pm Arab Standard Time / Qatar Time

Sunday 22nd October
Sunday 29th October
Sunday 5th November
Sunday 12th November
Sunday 19th November
Sunday 26th November
Sunday 3rd December
Sunday 10th December

Full Course Fee per child is $98 (QR360) but can be paid in two instalments - First 4 Classes - $48 (QR180) and the next 4 classes $48 (QR180)

The classes will be conducted via an online platform, details will be sent upon registration inshaa Allaah.

"Knowing Allaah" course will be covered using our popular "Nurture Islaam Series Activity Books" Who is Allaah?, Where is Allaah? and Who Created Me? that is based on the explanation of the book Three Fundamental Principles along with additional notes and assignments. All of the above are included in the Course Fee and you do not have to purchase them separately.

This will be an interactive course where children will be learning the basics about their Lord and engaging in activities such as making posters, working on presentations, completing some projects using arts and crafts, exploring some worksheets and much more inshaa Allaah.

Digital Activity Books, Notes, additional worksheets and assignments will be emailed to all those who register with instructions and the list of stationary materials required for the course.

Since the mums will be with the kids, this would be an excellent opportunity for sisters who are new to homeschooling to understand the concept of integrating Islaam into their homeschool, to have hands-on experience of how to really facilitate the learning to their children and pick up some ideas and teaching styles to try out inshaa Allaah. 

To register send an email to with the following details

Mother's Name:
Current City:
Mobile Number:
Child/ren's Full Name and Age:

Alhamdulillaah spaces are filling up fast, so register and secure your place Inshaa Allaah. The registration closes on Friday 20th October. 

For any further clarifications please email

Monday 9 October 2017

Another Step Forward - Nurture Islaam Online Courses

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillaah, as we keep growing with our Homeschool Support Program venture we have just about to take an another step forward by the mercy of Allaah.

Due to many requests from sisters to facilitate workshops for kids as we used to do before we are pleased to begin interactive Islaamic studies classes for children. But this time your children can learn from the comfort of their homes Inshaa Allah. 

We hope to have engaging Islaamic Studies Online Courses for girls and little children inshaa Allaah. We will be sharing our resources, study methods and lesson ideas which we used throughout our homeschooling years as well as our current methods. 

First, of those courses are scheduled to start next week inshaa Allaah. Details are below. Alhamdulillaah girls who are enrolled so far are excited to begin their course. If you need further details you are welcome to email me at

Watch out this space for more course announcements coming soon for ages 5 - 9 and more Inshaa Allaah!
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