Thursday 8 November 2018

Teach Your Child to Read - Online Workshop for Mums

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


If you have been following our Homeschooling journey for the last 9 years, then you may know that I did not teach Maimoonah to read using the phonics method. You will also know that she is an early reader and by the age of 5, she was a vivid reader, reading chapter books and adult books such as the translation of the Noble Qur'aan, The Sealed Nectar, The Moon Split and the seerah of the companions and so on, by the Mercy of Allaah. 

Over the years and even now many of you have been asking me as to how I taught Maimoonah to read without phonics. To make it really beneficial and productive I chose this topic for the next Mums Online Workshop. "Teach Your Child to Read".

In this 3 day workshop, we will be exploring the meaning fo reading and understanding what is really meant by reading. Having some background knowledge will definitely help us to have an idea about this noble task that we are hoping to undertake. 

We will also explore the benefits of early reading and I will be sharing with you my experience and benefits I gained in facilitating early reading for my children. 

You will be exposed to many reading methods and programs available today for teaching children to read and you will be given insights in order for you to do your own further research

We will also cover the full "Doman Method" of reading which I used with Maimoonah and currenltly using with my two-year-old Ramlah. 

I will be sharing live demonstration of this program and helping you to understand how to implement it while you see it happening. You will see real sessions of reading been done with step by step instructions. Here is a sneak peek of what to expect with regard to live demonstration.

It does not end there, Inshaa Allaah we will further share with you some book recommendations for different ages starting from 2 years to chapter books.  We will also have some discussions with regard to the benefits of fiction and nonfiction books and understand the different opinions of the scholars.

Sheikh Fauzaan, may Allaah preserve him, said beneficial knowledge is of two types that about the deen directly and that which supports and aides the deen. ((Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books & their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge: page 81, Taalib Educational Resources)

Teaching our children to read undoubtedly is beneficial knowledge as it aids them to understand their religion.

I will be sharing with you how early reading helped us to progress in the learning of the dheen throughout our homeschool by the permission of Allaah.

We will also have a Q and A session to address all your doubts and have a fruitful discussion inshaa Allaah. 

And finally, those who attend the workshop will take home in-depth digital notes of the workshop and educational reading resources that I have been collecting over the years in the form of PDF books, powerpoint presentation and more. 

This will be a live workshop with access to the recordings. So even if you miss a day or miss some parts you still have the opportunity to catch it up inshaa Allaah as the passcode to access the recordings will be sent to all participants.

If you are unable to join live you can still sign up and complete the workshop offline using the recordings on my website "Learning Zone" at your convenience and benefit. 

This workshop is suitable for mums to be and mums of babies and mums who have children from any age still learning to read. Teachers are welcome to join too. Any sisters who have an interest in learning something new with regard to teaching to read are welcome to join even if you are not a mum or a teacher yet, inshaa Allaah

Spaces are filling up and we have a limitation for the live workshop. So please register and reserve your space. Details below. 

Nurture Islaam Online Workshop for Mums

Join Umm Maimoonah for a Three Day Online Workshop

"Teach your child to Read"

Topics include:
Instilling the love for reading
The Doman Method
Learning to Read through Reading
How young is too young to read?
Our Reading Journey
Reading and Religion
Book Recommendations 
Q&A Session and much more

Interactive and engaging with audiovisual presentation with access to the recording!

Those who are unable to attend live can signup and complete the course at your convenience. Passcode to access the workshop will be provided with the digital materials. 

Who can Attend: Mums or Mums to be or teachers

Where: Online

When: (Tuesdays) November  20th, 27th and December 4th 2018

Time: 4pm to 5.30pm KSA/Qatar Time

Cost: QR 102 / US $ 28 / GBP 21.50 (Inclusive of digital materials and Notes)

Payments to be made online via Payoneer with Debit/Credit Visa/Master Card in USD only

Registration: Email or WhatsApp +974 66132058

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