بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
World Famous Sand Dunes
Continuing with our Stories of the Prophets Activity Packs, Alhamdulillaah we managed to put out the Third Activity pack in the series "Hud عليه السلام ".
This Pack contains very interesting facts based on the book Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Katheer raheemahullaah and activities for kids ages 8+
This activity pack can be downloaded from the below links:
The Dwelling Place of the People of Aad
Map Marking Activity
Context Questions
Stating true or false
Comprehension Questions
The Punishment of the people of Aad
Writing the benefits from the story of Hud alaihissalaam
Making a Pin wheel/windmill
Maths Activity on Measuring the wind and recording
Arabic Fun with copywriting
Exploring the Sand Dunes Includes:
What are Sand Dunes?
Spotting the living things in the Sand Dunes
Sand Dune Food Web
My sincere thanks sisters Umm Aayah and Fathi for beautifully designing the layout. Jazzakumullaah Khayr.
We hope you all would enjoy this with your kids and benefit from it Inshaa Allaah. Please let us know your feedback and contact us if you find any mistakes and share the link with others as well.