Saturday 31 May 2014

Salaah Workshop!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We organized a Salaah Workshop for girls. Alhamdulillaah 60 girls ages between 7 to 13 participated.

The girls were given notes of step by step instructions with illustration for wudoo, and salaah along with other details as to the obligations of salaah, what invalidates salaah etc etc. 


We also used some of the TJ's worksheets on Salaah times. 

We gave each child a salaah tracker to make them excited about praying on time, along with a notebook a pen and a highlighter

We had an activity sheet for them to identify the right and the wrong positions of the salaah displayed. 

We included a note for them as well as the parents with some important issues with regard to prayer taken from the book Sifatus Salaatun Nabee by shaykh Albani raheemahullaah. 

All of this was included in this pack.

It was not easy to make sure each child understood each position as the number was too much, and the time was limited. Alhamdulillaah. But we managed to demonstrate important issues with regard to Qiyam, Ruku and sujood. We explained to the kids the hadeeth of "The one who prayed Badly".

Some parents suggested an audio visual interactive session to grab the attention of the kids. While it is a good idea, I feel it is not possible to perfect the salaah of a child within a 2 hour workshop. Rather the parents must take it up from here and with the help of the notes provided they will have to continue this for years Inshaa Allaah until the child perfects her salaah. But we can still repeat these kind of workshops with small groups every now and then to make sure the kids are reminded and focused Inshaa Allaah! 

I would like to thank my good friend who works behind the scene always to get all the materials needed for all the kids, my dear sister Umm Aayah for helping with the layout of the documents and all the sisters who came along and helped me today and the kids for participating and the parents for their keen interest and encouragement. Jazzaakumullaah Khayr. 

May Allaah accept this from us make it heavy upon our scales on that Day. Aameen.


muslimah said...

Can we download this material?.

A Muslim HomeSchool said...

Asalaamu alaikum ukhtee,

This looks great alhamdulillah!
A lovely idea for the kids subhanAllah!
How long was the workshop?

Umm Maimoonah said...

Muslimah, I have still not uploaded these documents to be downloaded.

Alaikum salaam Umm Khadija. The workshop was for 2 hours.

muslimah said...

I live in the US, and definitely would like to do this workshop with my community kids inshaaAllah. I would love to download this and implement it. May Allah swt reward u immensely, Ameen.

Umm Maimoonah said...

Sister Muslimah please email me at

Umm Aamir said...

Assalamo alaykum.
I would like to do this workshop in my place as well.
JazakAllahu khayran.

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