بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"When you fast, your hearing and sight should also fast, and your tongue should fast by keeping away from lies; and do not harm your servant. Don’t let the day you fast be the same as the day you don’t fast."
(Târîkh Dimishq Vol. 22 p389.)
Alhamdulillaah another Ramadhaan is here and May Allaah bless us to to witness it and benefit from His Mercy and help us make these days different from the days we do not fast! Aameen.
It is nice to see all the homeschoolers around the world getting ready with lot of activities to engage the children this Ramadhaan.
It is also interesting to see how children grow and activities differ year after year as lots of changes do happen and we tend to cater to those changes every year. This year Inshaa Allaah Maimoonah hopes to have a Journal where she would write benefits from "Fasting from Alif to Ya" by Umm Mujahid,
Alhamdulillaah this book is written in such away that everyday it covers point of benefit from the Arabic Letter Alif ا to Yaa ي. Each chapter explains a matter related to fasting. Each day the subject matter is an Arabic word that begins with one of the Arabic letters and this goes on in the Arabic alphabetical order. For example the First chapter is all about "Ihtisaab" which means consciously seeking the reward of Allaah with good deed. Then the chapter explains about it linking it to fasting.
Here is a summary of what you get in the book according to the publishers:
"This newly revised work about the blessed month of Ramadhaan contains additional daily points of benefit to teach one how to live Islaam as a way of life. Plus, it contains stories of the Prophets and Messengers including activities for the whole family to enjoy and benefit from for each day of Ramadhaan. Some of the Prophets and Messengers covered include Aadam, Ibraaheem, Lut, Yusuf, Sulaymaan, Shu’ayb, Moosa, Zakariyyah, Muhammad, and more! Additionally it has recipes for foods enjoyed by Muslims around the world."
And the good news is Maashaa Allaah the author Umm Mujahid will be having live classes via wiziq every day during Ramadhaan covering this book and explaining each chapter each day. This class is only for women and if you want to join the class enroll here
We chose this book and a journal of benefits this year as I want Maimoonah to understand how to benefit from reading and listening. She will be attending the classes and we will be reading and discussing each chapter everyday. Then she can write the Arabic Word, its meaning and some benefits each day and decorate her journal. This will also pave the way to get used to taking notes, listening carefully and writing down the benefits,

She also wants to do some sewing as she got this easy little sewing machine that sews without thread as a gift from a dear friend of mine, Using felt she is able to do many little project without too much hassle,
We may also choose some activities from some of the following links as we go on:
- Iman Homeschool - Ramadhaan Activities
- TJ Ramadhaan Resources
- A Muslim Homeschool Ramadhaan Resources
- Thirty Lessons in Fasting by Shaykh Fowzan
- Ramadhaan - 30 days Curriculum
Here are some more Ramadhaan Activities to choose from for different ages:
May Allaa make this a fruitful Ramadhaan for all of us. What are your plans?
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