Monday, 27 April 2020

Easy Ramadhaan Recipe Book - Free Download

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We hope all of you are having a blessed Ramadhaan so far by the Mercy of Allaah.

It is a true blessing and a favour from Allaah that He allowed us to reach another Ramadhaan. 

We are pleased to share with you a gift from our Mums from my Homeschool Whatsapp Support Group this Ramadhaan.

We asked the mums in the group to share some traditional easy recipes for Ramadhaan and they posted some mouthwatering delicious recipes from around the world. We did not want to make their efforts go waste so with the help of sister Umm Julaybeeb at Purplepen Media who helped to compile the recipes from the group, we made this cute Easy Ramadhaan Recipe book, Alhamdulillaah. 

We are pleased to gift this book to you for your personal use with the permission of the our vibrant mums who contributed them. Click on the below link to download. 

Download the FREE Easy Ramadhaan Recipe Book here

If you did not know, then we have a private Whatsapp Support Group running for the last eight months for those Mums who have joined me for any of the Nurture Islaam MUMS workshops. This is a FREE support that we provide as an extension for the workshops completed. We have structured weekly activities going on there with Admins moderating and overlooking the group to make it a safe and supportive place for mums who are homeschooling and mums who are not homeschooling. We have parenting discussions and case studies and much more to enhance your professional development and it also serves as a place to seek advice and suggestions. 

You can sign up for any of the Online Workshops on Homeschooling or Teaching any time and complete the workshops at your own pace. Have a look at the Webpage for all courses and sign up and benefit Inshaa Allaah . Our next online workshop for mums will be after Eid Inshaa Allaah. You can reserve your space for that as well. All details here

I would also like to thank you all for all your support and contribution and for purchasing the Nurture Islaam Products, joining the online courses and workshops and for purchasing the Ramadhaan products as well. 

Please know by the Mercy of Allaah. that your contributions have helped us to continue to produce more authentic products and also helped us to help the needy and single sisters to have a comfortable Ramadhaan and also to educate their children upon the sunnah with authentic knowledge,

I also thank the sisters for sharing our products and courses and for recommending and sending out lovely feedback.

May Allaah accept this from you and grant you manifolds of rewards this Ramadhaan. Aameen.

Have a blessed Ramadhaan and may Allaah give us the strength and the ability to reap the benefits of this grand season! Aameen.

Baarakallaah Feekum
Umm Maimoonah

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